I have a problem with light, and notice that it is much worse in the mornings, than afternoons and evenings.
is this because the light is somehow brighter? is not light about the same intensity an hour before and an hour after noon? i have also wondered if it's simply that after being in the dark and then asleep for several hours, that coming suddenly into the light is the problem with mornings, but if i wake in the afternoon, the problem is definatly less. so a gradual adjustment makes no difference; ive tried.
my flat has blackouts on all windows, and is painted charchol and navy; i find white rooms really unsettling and uncomfortable to be in, so the problem is not restricted to daylight, but artificial light too, and even the colour of my environment,
though natural light is definatly more 'painful' in the mornings. white rooms are also worse in the morning, poss since one has to travel to them- thus through natural light, to reach them..
why should morning light feel brighter/ more painful??
anyone else find this??