I've been told that Aspies tend to respond well to pets as caring for a pet can help improve empathic skills and so forth.
Well, a few months ago my girlfriend bought me a little stuffed otter. Both of us have been amazed by how much I've been playing with him. I've started hugging him, talking to him, and caring for him. In some cases, I'm actually starting to exhibit what would in children be considered pretend play -- something I never did as a child.
Has anyone ever considered using stuffed animals to improve an Aspie's empathic skills? I would expect they would have several of the same effects as a live animal but without the maintenance costs and the allergies. And best of all, the animal won't die.
I know, the stuffed animals are not alive. However, if another person (a parent or friend) starts manipulating the animal and moving it around, it is almost as if the animal is in fact alive (you have no idea how it is going to behave because you don't know what the friend is going to do with it).
My girlfriend, on the other hand, got a stuffed animal for herself -- and made the animal an Aspie (she's a beaver). Her animal likes to spin around, hide under weighted blankets (read, eye pillows), and so forth. Both of us have started to create songs about are animals.
I figured: if stuffed animals can help me (even as an adult), can they help other people?
Thanks in advance,
Autism: when you can solve world hunger but not tell anyone.