I've been on numerous meds, Risperdal, Busbar (busperone/sorry can't spell it), Celexa, Geodon, etc. Only been taking St. John's Wort for a while now b/c side affects really bad (made me violent, gave me dreams where I felt pain/literally, fogged my thoughts, affected coordination etc.) Worse than being med free. It depends on the person, but when I was on Risperdal it made my head really foggy (everything had a fuzzy layer over/in it (things I saw, heard, smelled etc. were not clear & difficult to identify)). It really depends on the person if/what meds will work for you.
Sorry I cannot spell meds names or offends anyone/not trying to be gross (been med free over 4 yrs./no wonder)
p.s. One med I was on (Risperdal) causes weight gain & at least in some cases (not sure how often this happens or if this happened to me, but it happened to a woman I knew yrs. ago) stopped her menstrual cycle. So, if your a girl (especially/duh) & your menstrual cycle shifts after starting/being on a med for awhile (or anything equivalent in a guy/I would not know) tell your doctor right away!
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.