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22 May 2008, 8:53 am

My meltdown cycles correlates with the changes in the weather. The weather in Singapore has been really odd this year and that has had a pronounced impact on how my brain is operating. It rained almost non-stop at the wrong time and then became very hot and humid; almost as if the monsoon winds are not running this year. When I lived in New York, my mental state was tied to the swings in the weather too. Long grey winters were almost certain to drive to desperate depression and sleep disruption and the hot summers also wore me down. Just wondering if there is anyone else who is excessively affected by the weather.


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22 May 2008, 8:54 am

I havent noticed any particular reactions i have that might correspond with the weather. Then again ive never really thought about it.


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22 May 2008, 8:57 am

Well I know I have seasonal depression for sure. I get into dark and depressing moods when it's snowing or when it's raining as bad as an emo.

Depends on what kind of rain though and I haven't quite figured out why that is. :?

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22 May 2008, 9:45 am

Actually it probably has less to do with the weather than what effect the weather has on the incidence of common infectious diseases. Anything that activates my immune system will provoke some degree of meltdown in me.


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22 May 2008, 11:05 am

Greetings!! I cannot tolerate humid, muggy weather..I get very cranky,short-tempered and irritable,my hair gets frizzy and cannot be controlled,it just ruins my day, etc. I live in Ohio where the summers are getting hotter and hotter, and I love the dry heat, BUT..humidity is horrid, and my daughter who is autistic feels the same way.

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22 May 2008, 11:10 am

the weather affects everyone, I don't know the effects on AS or autists groups in particular


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22 May 2008, 11:17 am

I find I get very tired and heavy when a low pressure system is moving in. And heat makes me cranky so I have to make an effort to do less or I'll have more meltdowns. A lot of people are affected by the weather.


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22 May 2008, 11:17 am

I can't stand sunlight.

I'm very much a gray-clouds-and-rain fan.

Sunlight just seems to make the world too high-contrast... too blinding, misleading and usually too hot as well. Direct sunlight can trigger sensory overload in me in a matter of mere minutes.... and after that I end up completely out of it, memory gone, vision screwed up, balance all over the place.

The funny thing is, while I don't like water in general, I'm WAY more tolerant of light rain.... and actually find it comforting. Not only that but somehow, I feel the sound of rain hitting things around me gives a sense of interconnectivity with my surroundings.

I have reason to believe I have a sort of reverse seasonal disorder thingie. I just become completely out of sorts, grumpier than usual and generally uncooperative in the summer.... but I can be quite spritely in the midst of winter.

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22 May 2008, 11:21 am

I really dislike humid weather. I've been into a bug farm (indoors) that was made to be humid like in tropical countries and I could only last 5 minutes in there before I felt I was having trouble breathing. I'm glad that I don't live in a tropical country.
I don't have any any issues about Winter though. I prefer the cold over heat, even though I need to wear 7 layers of clothing indoors. :lol:

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22 May 2008, 11:23 am

Anemone wrote:
I find I get very tired and heavy when a low pressure system is moving in. And heat makes me cranky so I have to make an effort to do less or I'll have more meltdowns. A lot of people are affected by the weather.

Same here. I tend to be out of sorts and very distractable on very windy days. Strong low pressure fronts 1-2 days out can bring on achy joints.

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22 May 2008, 1:20 pm

I don't particularly like heavy showers as i find it very depressing.


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22 May 2008, 2:06 pm

I get depressed even more when it is cloudy and sometimes when it is raining. However, if it is storming I get excited.

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22 May 2008, 3:25 pm

I have SAD, hate the shorter days, and on cloudy dull days feel more depressed. I love blue skies, and need them for my mood to be good! Nothing like being surrounded by blue skies and the feel of the sun on me when I'm in the garden. But cloudy weather makes me really depressed, upset and wanting to sleep. Love natural light and sunny weather makes me feel more positive.



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22 May 2008, 6:51 pm

rushfanatic wrote: hair gets frizzy and cannot be controlled...

Speaking about hair. One of the odder things I have noticed about my meltdown episodes is that the small muscles that control my hair follicles is affected. My hair does not get frizzy, but it does get limp or else stick out in the wrong way. Since I live in the topics where it is hot and muggy all the time it is not the humidity that is causing these ridiculous hair days for me. My theory is that my immune system, which goes into some kind of hyperdrive during a meltdown, actually targets my body and my hair is thus affected.


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22 May 2008, 6:56 pm

Anemone wrote:
I find I get very tired and heavy when a low pressure system is moving in. And heat makes me cranky so I have to make an effort to do less or I'll have more meltdowns. A lot of people are affected by the weather.

It is true that the weather affects everyone, but I wanted to find out how it might affect Aspies in particular given our special situation. Since I believe that autism has an autoimmune component, changes in the weather pattern or certain kinds of weather systems can bring about greater or lesser incidence of meltdowns by affecting the immune system. For instance, during flu season, I would expect more meltdowns by Aspies. And the flu is known to peak and ebb with the change in weather patterns.


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22 May 2008, 10:27 pm

Zeno wrote:
Anemone wrote:
I find I get very tired and heavy when a low pressure system is moving in. And heat makes me cranky so I have to make an effort to do less or I'll have more meltdowns. A lot of people are affected by the weather.

It is true that the weather affects everyone, but I wanted to find out how it might affect Aspies in particular given our special situation. Since I believe that autism has an autoimmune component, changes in the weather pattern or certain kinds of weather systems can bring about greater or lesser incidence of meltdowns by affecting the immune system. For instance, during flu season, I would expect more meltdowns by Aspies. And the flu is known to peak and ebb with the change in weather patterns.

Severe Weather stresses me out, which is one of the reasons I'm obsessed with it. When there's a bad thunderstorm around, that's the most likely time I'll have a meltdown. If I'm trapped in a car when it hits, I go into anxiety overdrive. Also, when t's hot and humid (and I HATE humidity, but I live in a humid area because I really have no other choice - too expensive out west), I get depressed and feel like crap all the time. I don't know if it has anything to do with AS or not; it probably falls along the line of personal preference. Were it up to me, I'd live in a cold, cloudy climate.

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