ThatRedHairedGrrl wrote:
I just thought about this today. I've heard one or another claim that various historical personalities might have been AS, but I know it's impossible to make a diagnosis of anyone that way.
What I'm interested in is...bearing in mind that it didn't have a name till the 20th century, and didn't come to most people's notice till even more would people have treated someone with AS in the past, do you reckon?
Two things. First off, the Aspie tendency to need routine and follow you think the social customs of earlier times, when things were more formal, would have helped someone who was Aspergers to cope with everyday life? Or would they actually have made things more difficult, by making anyone who didn't 'fit in' that much more obvious?
Secondly, the effects of education. I think that if you were AS in the 19C, for example, and you came from a well-off family and ended up at Oxford or Cambridge, it would have been relatively easy to pass much of your life just being regarded as 'eccentric'. I can imagine that a few of those Victorian clergymen - the ones who had lots of spare time on their hands, so ended up becoming keen naturalists and tramping through the countryside collecting birds' eggs and cataloguing rare newts, or whatever - might have fitted the Asperger personality. On the other hand, I suspect that if you were in the lower social echelons, or you were a woman (same thing in many periods of history!), there would have been a lot more pressure to be 'normal', and you'd end up in some pretty nasty situations if you couldn't conform.
Any thoughts, anyone? If you'd lived in some past period in history, with the AS traits you have, what do you think might have happened to you?
If I'd have lived in a city, if I was lucky I'd have been a servant, like a lot of my immediate ancestors. They'd have trained me in a particular "place" or "station", given the social station of my ancestors. If I was lucky I'd have been brought up to have been a cook and not had to accept a lesser position as a scullery maid. I wouldn't have had the social skills to have been an upstairs or ladies' maid.
If I lived in the country it wouldn't have mattered as much. I remember the old folks out there when I was just a tiny kid. People who grew up before the depression. People weren't so hyper about someone being "normal" as long as they could pull their weight around the farm. There were a lot of old geezers running around who were considered as being "odd" but as long as the cattle came in and those guys could plough the fields in record time, nobody really cared.
As a female, I'd have been cranking out one kid after another to help work the fields/barns anyway. That would have been my primary worth, other than running a household if there wasn't already a housewife (that is, if I was living in an extended household situation - you don't need more than one "housewife", the rest can do manual labor).