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29 May 2008, 1:45 am

It seems to me that there are too many Aspies out there who separate themselves from Auties. They think, "I'm not autistic, I have Aspergers." Maybe they even think that they are better than autistic people. I'm not presuming that all aspies who say things similar to the comment above think this, but that's what it says to me. FTR, I have AS, not Kanner's autism, but I refer to myself as autistic because Asperger's is a form of autism. Until further research confirms that Asperger's is not on the autism spectrum, that is how I will refer to myself. I realize not all Aspies are comfortable with referring to themselves as autistic, mostly because of the stigma, and that's fine. I understand that. The "I'm an Aspie so I am better than that autie over there" mentality is much too pervasive. Why can't we all just be autistics, the aspies and auties, and others on the spectrum? We're all on the same spectrum. I don't see how one classification is inherently better than the other because one might have less stims, a better ability to blend into society, and little to no verbal delay. One person isn't better than another just because he can talk. I personally couldn't picture how it would be to be non-verbal because I can talk, and I'm sure it would be quite inconvenient for me because that's my main form of expression in the outside world, but if someone else can communicate in a way that doesn't require spoken word, how does that make me better than that person? I just don't understand the mentality, that's all. I know I'm probably going to get yelled at for posting this thread, but I don't care. I want to bring this out into the open because it bothers me to see it.


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29 May 2008, 1:53 am

if i dont want people to fuss i use aspergers. but if i want people to be more understanding i say i am a bit autistic since many dont know what AS is. though people often think that you are a bit of a vegitable if you use the word autistic.

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29 May 2008, 1:58 am

Lot of aspies see themselves as autistic because it's a spectrum. I don't jump on the band wagon. To me autistic and AS are two different things. AS is a form of it. It does not mean we think we are better than them.
If anyone asks me If I have autism or if I am autistic, I just say I have a form of it or I'm on the spectrum.


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29 May 2008, 2:38 am

I guess I haven't been around for long enough, so I haven't noticed this yet. But it's horrible if it's true. Well I see AS as a form of autism, but even if I didn't it wouldn't mean I would think of myself as superior to autistics. Because I think that attitude is just stupid.

And I really think that autism is just what you define it as. So we may redefine it, but it is not about proving or disproving anything.


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29 May 2008, 2:42 am

I would think of myself as superior to autistics. Because I think that attitude is just stupid.

but how do you define superority. alot of them dont harbour grudges and are very friendly

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29 May 2008, 3:01 am

No sorry. That's a typo. I was going to write wouldn't. I wouldn't think of myself as superior.

EDIT: Actually, I checked my message. I don't think I misstyped, you just chose to cut out one part, so it looks like I said something else.


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29 May 2008, 3:10 am

It's over how politicized autism has come.


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29 May 2008, 3:13 am

I sometimes refer to myself as a Demi-Aut... even if it isn't strictly that I'm "half autistic"... I just like the sound of it.
But I'd never dream of assuming superiority over a full aut.

I mean I look UP to Auts like I look DOWN on mundies.



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29 May 2008, 3:22 am

sorry about what i said before, sometimes i often miss something and get the wrong idea, espeacialy anoying when doing when doing maths.

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29 May 2008, 3:48 am

I prefer seeing them as 2 seperate things myself. I've met many people with pdd-nos irl and noticed that it made them act the excact opposite of us with AS. The ones i met acted uber NT like focused on just buying as much as they can. Not being responsible and thinking about the future at all. They had the social skills altough were less concerned by social norms than NT's were. All in all the result of how theyr brains worked made them act the opposite of us. So if you say you have the same as them, people wil be totally confused. Another thing wich also persuaded me from using the term autistic was that alot of people assumed that you had to be ret*d to have it.

I don't look down on autistics at all.
But i just think us people with AS are too different to be carrying the same label.
Ofcourse officialy we do fall under the label autism, i'm aware of that.
For me saying i have autism would be like saying i play a ball sport.


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29 May 2008, 3:52 am

Bart21 wrote:
Another thing wich also persuaded me from using the term autistic was that alot of people assumed that you had to be ret*d to have it.

Why would you care if actually ret*d people assume that you're the ret*d?
They're clearly too stupid / ignorant to know any better, or indeed for their uneducated opinions to be worth any more than the dirt on the sole of your shoes.

And did you mean "dissuaded"?


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29 May 2008, 5:09 am

Hmm really I always thought it was the other way round. The biggest insult on this site seems to be "You're so NT" or "You're not Aspie enough." I tend to call myself autistic even though I'd clearly be on the Aspie end of the scale. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


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29 May 2008, 5:28 am

Well, the two people I told UNDERSTAND the two are similar. Still, AS IS supposed to seem better. It IS better, in most respects than kanners, if you aren't talking about HFA. Of course, what you think and say means NOTHING if you are obviously so bad off.

Still, most of the symptoms that make me believe I have AS ARE in kanners as well. To not see the similarity in the guidelines is self-deceptive. BTW THOSE symptoms are ALSO the ones most others will fail to notice.


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29 May 2008, 5:33 am

2ukenkerl wrote:
Well, the two people I told UNDERSTAND the two are similar. Still, AS IS supposed to seem better. It IS better, in most respects than kanners, if you aren't talking about HFA. Of course, what you think and say means NOTHING if you are obviously so bad off.

Still, most of the symptoms that make me believe I have AS ARE in kanners as well. To not see the similarity in the guidelines is self-deceptive. BTW THOSE symptoms are ALSO the ones most others will fail to notice.

Y'know.... I've often thought that we Aspergians are maybe just here to serve as Ambassadors of a sort between the Full-Auts and the Neurotypicals... as we have somewhat of a half-understanding of each that the other will never be able to relate to.



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29 May 2008, 5:37 am

SotiCoto wrote:
Y'know.... I've often thought that we Aspergians are maybe just here to serve as Ambassadors of a sort between the Full-Auts and the Neurotypicals... as we have somewhat of a half-understanding of each that the other will never be able to relate to.


I FULLY agree with that. Yeah, we Aspies live between the two worlds and yes I think we can tell the NTs messages from the Autistic world, things that the full auts can't say. Well said SotiCoto.


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29 May 2008, 5:37 am

yeah thats been a thought of mine too. we have a beter idea of understanding both.

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