Expelled under misunderstanding then labeled ED...! !! !! !! !! !

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 May 2008, 2:36 pm

I posted this under another topic previously; please read:

I was expelled from school and still am due to a misunderstanding. I want to make it clear that I am not depressed as someone may presume from this. I transferred to a new school after moving and I walk to and fro school. The second day I was there I was suspended for perceived stalking. The other kids (morons) thought that since they had not seen me before i was a sexual predator. No one believed me and I was expelled after peers lied that I was staring and making suggestive faces towards them. I have always had friends but that was when I went to a gifted scholl where everyone wasn't moronic.

After all of this the school psychologist gave me an IQ test and as I posted before I scored 148 on verbal and 107 on performance bringing my iq index to 131. The discrepency was attributed to being emotionally disturbed. THAT'S RIGHT. EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED how about that for a misdiagnosis. It is now ofcourse diagmosed as Asperger's. I was diagnosed in a mental institution which i still am forced to attend weekly. I was recommended to the institution by my school. Surprising right. They put me on an antipsychotic called Risperdal (generic for Respiridone). This mdication made me delusional and depleted my cognitive resources. My brain is still not finctioning at 100%. BTW my school psychologist only met me once and that was for Iq testing. Also, they most likely will never allow me to attend mainstream school again.


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28 May 2008, 2:42 pm

Sounds like a nightmare! Some schools really have a long way to go in understanding AS and developing supportive strategies and networks. Good to hear about your good IQ score - I'm sure you will do well in life. All the best. :D


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28 May 2008, 2:42 pm

That high of a discrepancy is, if it causes problems to you, usually a learning disability.

So I'm a bit quizzed if they think the original of the discrepancy between Verbal vs. Performance comes from emotional issues.

What do you think/Why do they think they came up with the idea that you have emotional issues?

Sorry, can't help much with everything else as I'm most certainly in a different country than you.

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28 May 2008, 2:44 pm

Yeah, I was actually accused of stalking once, and I think I've creeped people out before in general. I never had to face serious consequences though.

So do they force you to take that drug? I wouldn't if it screws up your brain.

I took a test of some sort (not an I.Q. test) and I was also remarkably stronger in one kind of thinking than the other.

Anyway, yeah this stuff is dumb, but you really have to analyze your own behavior so this doesn't happen again. People are often stupid but, well, they're probably not going to change.


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28 May 2008, 4:49 pm

Are you sure ED doesn't stand for Executive Dysfunction that would explain the higher verbal intelligence vs. performance. Maybe some idiot psychiatrist got them mixed up in your notes. Luckily they didn't try to treat your for erectile dysfunction.

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28 May 2008, 4:50 pm

Btw I have a clinical executive dysfunction so I know what it is like.


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28 May 2008, 4:52 pm

tell it to the press it might help make the school look bad if thats your goal...


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28 May 2008, 4:58 pm

kleodimus wrote:
tell it to the press it might help make the school look bad if thats your goal...

If what he says is true then a lawsuit is probably worth it if you have the means.

Tufted Titmouse
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28 May 2008, 5:37 pm

A good lawyer is my advice as well, if all this is 100% true.

Start by getting a new doctor, and get off that risperdal. A key point in a decent lawsuit is the ability to show damages, or how this school district has harmed you. I believe you can do this, again, if all this is completely factual.

The case sounds strong enough that you may not need a retaining fee for a lawyer, when a school district is involved, the smell of money may inspire some to take the case based upon the possibilities of future winnings.

Another key point to consider: the witnesses. Does every single one of these kids says you were making weird faces at them? How many were there? Did they provide written statements, that were witnessed? Were police involved? Can you get copies of the police report as well? Is there one kid who says this didn't happen, that it was all made up? Do you have ANY history of this alleged behavior before? (All rhetorical questions to consider yourself...) Etc Etc.

If only I'd have known then what I know now, when I was in high school, I would have gone to the yellow pages and gotten a good lawyer.....

Good luck.

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29 May 2008, 7:57 am

I went through a lot of the same stuff, I too was once put on Risperdal at one point in my life, and am now on prozac for 'depression'
I was once diagnosed with an unspecified anger disorder
And I have been accused of stalking countless times.
I just HATE it when people are too ignorant to realize what is really going on.
I remember I am actually expelled from all public schools in southern California for getting angry once at a group of about 10 kids kicking the crap out of me.

Most people just do not realize the truth, and that I am completely normal in my perspective.
When I was in the 6th grade, I was bullied so much, they took me out of half of my classes and made me sit in the counselors office in the mornings before class's start and go home after half the day. Needless to say, I failed that grade and we moved to Kentucky after that.
People still wonder why I get mad so easily. I was bullied literally every day when I was little and am still bullied to this day.
When I was in the 7th grade my dad told my brothers to sleep with a bat under their bed because I might kill them, when I had no intention of even touching them! I am treated like I am supposed to be shunned in life, and like I am a psycho who will kill you if you look at me! But if you ever meet me, you will realize I am a nice guy who can do no harm, I can't even kill a spider because I am afraid of them! I might be freakishly tall (6'4" size 16 shoe, 15 years old 240 lbs)
I think we aspies should protest, and DEMAND equal rights! (now I feel like Martin Luther King, jr :P )

/end rant

Oh, I have also been treated the same because I am Atheist.

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29 May 2008, 8:13 am

luckily for me i finished highschool last year. defenetly take to the press or higher, your life has been affected these people. if you have been rediagnosed change your treatment, you probably could take a complaint to education and get these problems settled out.

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29 May 2008, 9:21 am

Sounds like you might have enough for some kind of legal pursuit. Call the ACLU... They love this kind of stuff. I am impressed with their efficiency in chastising new people. Only two days and the school psychologist is trying to pin you down with very little information on you at all. I thought psychologists could not diagnose things or prescribe things. Aren't they like the 'note-takers' for the real doctor? geez, welcome to your new school......we will now be doing a reinactment of the crucible, (insert wild accusations and ignorant mob.)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 May 2008, 1:16 pm

Thank you everyone for all the attention. I would though want to apologize for ranting and degrading myself in a sense. My parents are separated and my mother who is not the custodial parent has talked to a lawyer. I am not willing to take any legal action because it would not be ultimately beneficial towards me. You see the only thing I could get would be revenge or satisfaction and I have since realized that I do not need this sort of satisfaction. My mother has a long history of legal action and she has gotten nowhere! It causes herself more stress and grief than if she would have left it alone acknowledged how to avoid that situation in the future and move on. Which is what I plan to do. It is almost summer break here in Virginia and I plan to have fun and not continue to gripe over this. It would only be foolish to contact my school again. My father has finally admitted that the school was not in entire chastity. My fathers opinion matters much more than anyone who is after me. At the hearing for my expulsion one of the "serious charges" was being elitist. I wish I could tell them sometimes that I am elitist but only in the sense that I am better than people who do not understand meaning. People like the people at my school who appear to feel suited to punish people for their own sake and cover their tucases and do not know how to handle a situation do not understand meaning. I believe that stupidity is best measured in how a person thinks of life and the realizations a person has made. Even if someone who is slow is kind and knows how to live life I would respect that person more that Bobby Fischer.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 May 2008, 1:56 pm

Legally, there is a process that schools must go through when identifying ED. If the school did not use these federal guidelines then a complaint is in order. It's all outlined here.

http://www.schoolpsychologistfiles.com/ ... ility.html

Bottom line: the emotional problems have to have occurred over an extended period of time, not 2 days.


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29 May 2008, 2:52 pm

I'm sorry to hear about your school problems. ED label is not a good educational label to have. ED placements are not suitable for kids on the spectrum. I know this because the school tried pushing my son down that path. I started homeschooling him when they proposed severe ED placement.

You should not be placed in severe ED school. Those kids are one step away from being in jail or mental institution (from what I've seen).

I wonder if you could try homeschooling. There are accredited online schools where you earn actual high school credits and diploma. Have your mom look into it.


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29 May 2008, 3:02 pm

I got kicked out of college for self-injury... it's not uncommon.

No wonder that drug threw you for a loop; it's a neuroleptic and pretty strong stuff. It is actually approved for autism, but unless you're having constant meltdowns, I have a feeling you don't need it. If you have to fool them into thinking you're taking it, go ahead.

As you probably know, your verbal/performance gap is pretty typical for an Aspie.

Don't see how walking to and from school could be construed as stalking. You stayed on the sidewalk, right? Did you stare at anybody? Did you have a crush on somebody? People often misinterpret our actions...

School... Well, realistically, you're just going to have to educate yourself, since you're probably stuck doing easy stuff. Your IQ says you're gifted; are you self-motivated? If so, you may be able to simply get a GED and escape to college as soon as possible...

Aspies often do have emotional problems. A lifetime of rejection will do that. But they're not insurmountable, especially if you can harness your strengths to tackle them. I don't know enough about you to tell whether you had "emotional disturbance", but I wouldn't be surprised if you have it now... I'd be pretty mad, if I were you.

My advice: Keep to yourself. People who don't "make waves" are usually overlooked. If you can make yourself invisible, you should be fine. When you are abused it is best to understand that the way you are treated is not your problem, but the responsibility of those who are doing the abusing... If you can keep your thoughts your own, if you can keep your calm even when you have to scream or beg... well, then you'll be OK. I know this because I learned it the hard way.

Your mother has gotten a lawyer so she evidently cares about your education. Would she be willing to home-school you? I reiterate my comment about being self-motivated.

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