Sorenna wrote:
Is anyone else in here uncomfortable with NT's who come on here to try to find a way to make a dollar off us?
I see no one has resonded to te same request on different posts.
Anway, I am not trying to make any feel bad, but this pisses me off. I came in here to get away from curious NT's who find us so fascinating and freakish.
Make a dollar
how???? They can't publish any results they're gleaning here, mainly because no one in this community can be VERIFIED as having AS unless we provide written proof, which is our own private business. I don't buy magazines and books online, either and if I need a book, I go to a local bookseller like Barnes & Noble or something. This is a public site, though, so NTs can sign up. I never thought of this place as a 'private club' per se, but I don't like the idea of being analyzed and found wanting by silent NT eyes, either. Those posts I see on occasion by researchers who are supposedly gathering data for an article or paper do concern me. I get this feeling that they're braving the wild and living among us to gather data, like Diane Fossey (sp?) and her gorillas. Something about that does sort of rub me the wrong way, though. No academic institution or publication would give credence to any data gathered here. They have to use documented case studies to provide data, not just a bunch of people online. If they do, they're stupid. Once exposed, their reputation will be toast.
Terminal Outsider, rogue graphic designer & lunatic fringe.