SotiCoto wrote:
I usually just try to pretend the people aren't there.... but if I'm made to stand still for any length of time I start getting the paranoia that I'm in someone's way, and I promptly start looking about me to check nobody is trying to get past me.. and it leaves me looking decidedly panicky.
But SotiCoto, i thought you
like to look as "Aspergian" as you can.

At least that's how it appears
Catspurr, ya. I understand from whence you come. It's hard to judge the best course of action because public stimming causes attention, but being still and silent can, too. Then, of course, the attention causes further stress, which causes further need to shut down, which...... My best strategy is to go into "movie mode" and just act like i'm okay; the acting is almost a stim in itself as i love movies. Telling people i'm overtired helps a lot if i choose the shut down option, and hey, it's true; all that coping is exhausting! When it is really bad i have pre-planned bailing strategies and i just use what seems to be the most appropriate one.