Obstinate wrote:
I'm usually tired, and to any other Aspies out there, here's a bit of a solution: Bici-Commuting. I bike to school and home, and to run errands and the like. I always feel so much more refreshed than if my mom dropped me off. I also noticed I'm not depressed whatsoever on a bike.

If only I could try that - I live in the inner city which is all hills - not nice little rises - the kind of hills that require you to take a break halfway just walking up them, to catch your breath. It's smoggy and rains often, even on hot days, and the traffic is terrifying, with no bike lanes.
I'm constantly stressed and exhausted because of the social aspect of my job. I sleep 12-14 hours a night where I can but that only helps for the next morning - by that evening I'm tired again. But I'm moving cities and jobs in 2 months, to one with little social interaction and lots of physical work *excited*. I'm going to take a break between jobs to see if I can recover from the exhaustion by the time I start. If I never quite recover, it could be a disaster - I'll get sick and be too weak to do a good job and get fired.
The rule for today.
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.