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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Jun 2008, 4:24 am

This is an odd question, I know, but who actually pities neurotypicals? By my view, they are less capable than many Aspergers at things that matter. Certainly, better at socialisation - less clumsy, better short-term memory. As for technical abilities, they have something of a more generalised area of talents - jacks and jills of all trades; masters of none, eh?
Few specialised abilities. This may make it seem they are more suited to tackling tasks than we can be; but they also require an alpha to function. Five Aspergers, each with one uncanny talent, all capable of completely independent thought, and five neurotypicals - one leader, four followers. No exceptions; I've never seen a group of neurotypicals where one doesn't dominate.
In my own words, even; humans (neurotypicals) are little more than glorified pack animals. Indeed; that's what humans evolved from - the group mentality is a primitive throwback. Most Aspergers lack this simply because the neurological connections for such are redirected. I've often felt this is a benefit; we don't have the same problems of dependencies as they do. What benefits are gained from socialisation; or rather - what benefits that are, with our current level of technology and cultural standars, what benefits are now truly benefits? I'm certain that human pack mentality is somewhat responsible for the prevalence of wars primarily fueld by feelings of xenophobia.
Any comments?


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03 Jun 2008, 8:08 am

I do.


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03 Jun 2008, 8:18 am

Psycho_jimmy wrote:
As for technical abilities, they have something of a more generalised area of talents - jacks and jills of all trades; masters of none, eh?

I'm like that and it's in my signature, because I like the saying and find it non-offensive (I read it's take offensive often).

Compared to my non-autistic friends, I see myself being less specialised than them. I wish I was at least somewhat specialised, because even these friends of mine, except one, have picked their fields of interest, are knowledgeable in them and never got bored! They're all successful with what they do.

I, on the other side, don't even know what I'm interested in concerning job-matters! I'd love to study Medicine, Biology, Musical, Jura, become a teacher, study pedagogy, Philosophy or English. I'd also like the idea of becoming a paramedic.

There's no reason for me to pity them.

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03 Jun 2008, 8:50 am

I'd pity them.... but I don't do pity for anyone.

They're certainly less than we are, and in many respects I see that as reason enough for them to go extinct and us take over.
Won't happen in my lifetime though.


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03 Jun 2008, 9:28 am

why dont we give pregnant people excess radio waves from phones, thats suposed to give the child a simular effect.

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03 Jun 2008, 9:32 am

Bradleigh wrote:
why dont we give pregnant people excess radio waves from phones, thats suposed to give the child a simular effect.

You can't generate artificial autism, dude....
It is genetic.


Snowy Owl
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03 Jun 2008, 9:46 am

I find it difficult to pity people who have a much easier life than I do.

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03 Jun 2008, 10:04 am

I pity humanity in general. Not any specific group or type of people.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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03 Jun 2008, 10:09 am

If I didn't neeed someone special in my life, I would be much happier then most NTs. However I am not happy and the worst thing that happens to me, in any given year, is chronic loneliness.


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03 Jun 2008, 10:15 am

I pity all of humanity indiscriminately.

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Tufted Titmouse
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03 Jun 2008, 10:23 am

Psycho_jimmy wrote:
What benefits are gained from socialisation;
Any comments?

I think there are a lot of benefits, specially on buissnes. But the only thing we need to do is to learn how to socialize, and we are going to have the best of both worlds.

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03 Jun 2008, 10:24 am

Psycho_jimmy wrote:
This may make it seem they are more suited to tackling tasks than we can be; but they also require an alpha to function. Five Aspergers, each with one uncanny talent, all capable of completely independent thought, and five neurotypicals - one leader, four followers. No exceptions; I've never seen a group of neurotypicals where one doesn't dominate.

This is true. And I often think this is evidence that the so-called autism epidemic is in fact micro-evolution in progress... at least a particular experimentary track. Now before someone accuses me of being an aspie supremacist, let me qualify that. I don't believe we are the end result of this track. I suspect it will be a mix of aspie, NT and probably a smörgåsbord of other non-NT traits. But I think we are a micro-evolutionary work in progress. Naturally selection is not keeping us out of the gene pool it would seem, because more and more of us are being born.

Whether or not it is a beneficial evolutionary track over the NT's depends on whether those 5 independently driven aspies can cooperate and work together (without a clear leader). If they can, their work will own that of the wolf-pack of NT's. But if they can't, well unfortunately a pack of wolves is more effective than 5 lone wolves who can't work together.

Anyone who has read many of my posts knows I am very pro-individual and anti-collective. However, there is a middle ground we must find if we are to stand together... cooperation.

So, yeah... no pity for NT's from me yet. They are as needed for the world to function as we are.

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Snowy Owl
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03 Jun 2008, 11:25 am

I don't pity them at all. NT's are doing just fine in the world. We aren't superior or inferior, just different.


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03 Jun 2008, 11:32 am

I have plenty of NT friends, they are still human,even if they act different.

There's really no need to pity anyone, our collective strengths and weakness all equalize in the end (believe I did compare myself to a few of my friends so I know, worst mistake ever :lol: ) :lol:

Tufted Titmouse
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03 Jun 2008, 11:37 am

If by pity you mean "Their life would be so much easier/better/more meaningful if they were more like me" then, no.

H.Sapien isn't a point on the developmental scale, it is a range, with different members having different skills. Periodically, certain skills and deficits bulge out of their place in the general grouping and cause notice among the other members of the group. And H.Sapien, being a xenophobic creature and in need of certainty that all members of a group are able to defend the group, is entirely within natural behavior to eject the 'different' one.

Aren't we glad that we aren't that intolerant?


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03 Jun 2008, 11:50 am

I think you're on to something. I'm guessing that hearing the different responses, you might want to reword some of what you said. For example, maybe "pity" is not the point, just semantics. The point is that they have areas of weakness that a lot of us don't.

I'm just realizing that I have Asperger's and my self-esteem has gone up from knowing that. I understand some of my assets better, and I know that I can learn the social skills and, with maturity, channel my obsessions to the right places. Then I'll have the best of both worlds. What a relief.

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