Do you always have to keep your interests a secret?

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02 Jun 2008, 5:25 pm

I do, most of the time. Back when I was younger, I never did, but ever since I've entered high school, my family (and some other people) starting to be more picky and judgeful, I've been starting to keep my interests a secret most of the time.

Just so you know, here's some of the things I like:

Computers and internet stuff.
TV shows and movies (mostly cartoon and comedy ones).
Stuff like videotapes, DVDs, etc.
Retro stuff
Stuff like film and TV studio logos, station IDs, promos, TV commercials, etc.
Autism/Aspergers Syndrome stuff
Reading, writing, artwork, etc.
Youtube Poops

I might tell what some of those are soon.


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02 Jun 2008, 5:32 pm

I don't go into much detail, as the times I have mentioned what I like people look at me strange. For example, I collect My Little Ponies. At least where this is concerned there's a website with other people that like to collect them, so I'm not alone. But everyone that I personally know just gives me a weird look as if saying "why in the world would you want to collect plastic ponies?" I dunno, they represent something that brought me joy as a child and, well, they're pretty...I don't know, I just like 'em.
I also really get into researching paranormal occurrences and would like to start doing my own investigation "some" day. Again, I see lots of people on the internet like this sort of thing, but people I know personally act like I'm crazy. *sigh*.

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02 Jun 2008, 6:10 pm

I have tons of interests and they are no secret. They can be found in my profile :)


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02 Jun 2008, 6:17 pm

Depends who I am around. Like, I don't tell the other bird people about the Sonic thing and vice-versa.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon

Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...

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02 Jun 2008, 6:22 pm

i keep my pro-ana interest as a secret from my mom and friends who might tell her, i had an anorexic friend who was completely brainwashed by her parents and doctors, now shes fat as hell @_@ i dont wanna anything like that happen to me, its disgusting

i also dont tell my mom that im interested in BJDs (asian ball jointed dolls) since she thinks its retarde to spend so much money and time on a doll _o_ ill tell her when i buy one >D

nettie, i kinda understand your ponny interest. iused to hate them as a child, but now i kinda started to like them, especially the pony customs. its so amazing when someone changes pink happy ponny in dark pyramid head pony XD or even if they stay on the cute side of the force, it doesnt matter if its cute or dark, the thing i love is when they turn it into a completely different and unique thing. *_*
for example like that:
he's funny XD

i like dollfies for kidna the same reason. i always wanted to have my own, huge, unique, albino, goth loli doll *_* i have tons of porcellain dolls but its not the same, and most of them are tiny and cant pose at all since they have no joints. and you can style yopur dollfie so it would look like porcelain doll, or you can make it look like barbie doll, so much things you can do to them, so much possible style injuries *_*

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02 Jun 2008, 6:31 pm

Hey that's kinda cool! :P Thanks for posting a pic :)


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02 Jun 2008, 6:38 pm

My policy is I don't go out of my way to talk about them or do anything to advertise them, but I don't hide them either. Except in music and maybe literature, my tastes aren't really 'abnormal' (drawing, news junkie). So above my desk I do have something I painted, for example, but I've never gone out of my way to talk about drawing or painting. My policy used to be of hiding my interests (where I grew up, if you read for pleasure you're considered a freak).

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

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02 Jun 2008, 8:28 pm

I have to keep my interests secret because most of the stuff I'm into is apparently too weird/creepy for people outside of the internet, as my mom always reminds me not to tell people about my interests for fear of them "not understanding" and getting offended (or in the case of my younger friend, to save her innocent mind). :/

The interests in question? Vampires and male pregnancy.


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02 Jun 2008, 9:22 pm

It's pretty much near impossible for me to keep my interests a secret because I love talking about them so much, and I'm not ashamed or embarrased of them, either.

Some people consider my interests "immature" or "crazy", but I know they're missing out so it doesn't bother me. Tornado chasing? Crazy? Possibly, but fun! :D

One thing I am cautious of telling people about, however, is the music I listen to, because I've found that almost everyone uses it as a bragging point and a way to judge. Music is not an IQ score. It's not a job promotion. It's not a contest! It's just music and liking certain music doesn't give you bragging rights or make you better than anyone else. It's one thing to support your band, but it's another to arrogantly tell someone that the band or music they like is "crap" simply because it doesn't fit in with your ideas of "good" music :roll:. End of rant :lol:.


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02 Jun 2008, 9:37 pm

I try not to, almost to the point that I'm ashamed of my interests/obsessions even though they are nothing strange. I'll be careful how many times I mention the interest, but I seem to mention them more often than I realize and just recently a bunch of people at my work were talking about me and how obsessed I was with something.


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02 Jun 2008, 9:58 pm

Yea sorta. It depends on the person.


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02 Jun 2008, 11:11 pm

It is all about context(who it is ok to talk about to and who is not). If you feel comfortable sharing you interests you should be fine. It also depends on what interest you have and maybe even the country you live in.

What specific interests do you have?

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02 Jun 2008, 11:17 pm

I did with some things as a kid because I was embarrassed about them. I still keep some as a secret. I keep this as a secret and diapers.


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03 Jun 2008, 12:59 am

Nope. I like meerkats and if you don't why should I care? My parents tried in vain to get me to shut up about them but never were sucessful so they just gave in and they too became meerkat experts. If strangers look at me funny for talking about my obsessions, I give them funny looks right back. If people tell me to shut up, I tell them to get lost. My recent obsession is My Little Pony customs (MY customs) but it's not as strong as my meerkat one.


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03 Jun 2008, 1:06 am

I keep some secrets because I think they will just become anoyed about things like cartoons that stoped years ago.

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03 Jun 2008, 1:26 am

PunkyKat wrote:
Nope. I like meerkats and if you don't why should I care? My parents tried in vain to get me to shut up about them but never were sucessful so they just gave in and they too became meerkat experts. If strangers look at me funny for talking about my obsessions, I give them funny looks right back. If people tell me to shut up, I tell them to get lost. My recent obsession is My Little Pony customs (MY customs) but it's not as strong as my meerkat one.

Hey are you kilamar meerkat (I don't know how to spell the name)?