How many people here have AS and ADHD?

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03 Jun 2008, 7:36 pm

How many people here have AS and ADHD?


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03 Jun 2008, 7:49 pm

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid. Back then, they didnt know alot about it and gave me freaking thorazine for it. I'd pass out in class, it was awesome first grade!

Then they gave me Dexedrine, which is basically speed. I took it in various doses till I was 16 and got sick of it, and havent taken it since.

I honestly don't think I had it, even tho a doctor said I did. My brain is just aspie. If you're interesting, ill focus.


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03 Jun 2008, 7:54 pm

I had a very hard time paying attention in school, so I really thought I was ADHD because I would zone out so bad and then not know how to do math assignments for example. But I have a feeling that was more of an aspie thing.

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03 Jun 2008, 7:55 pm

AS and ADHD-PI. I can use the hyperfocusing tendencies of AS to negate some of my worst ADD when I need to.



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03 Jun 2008, 8:16 pm

Me me me....or I usually say I have ADD with alot of AS tendancies...they do sorta offset eachother to a pretty sure the ADD is stronger..and the AS traits are more akwardness...toe-walking...etc....

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03 Jun 2008, 8:19 pm

mild AS with ADD, no hyperactivity.

Which basically means I would either ignore what was going on in class to focus on my own thing instead, or be so in to it that I had to answer every question at length. Neither made my teachers happy.



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03 Jun 2008, 8:28 pm

AS and the was given ADD meds but the DR did not specifically say I was ADD 8O I took two pills and hated about hyper focus...I couldn't pull myself away from the computer for 15 hours and felt like a zombie on it. I would love to be able to focus on one thing aat a time instead of having 3 different projects going at once...all in mid cycle but not completed. I really don't know if this is ADD or just poor executive functioning but it is pretty frustrating.

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03 Jun 2008, 8:34 pm

I have AS, I think I might have mild ADD because I actually have issues with focusing on stuff like studying


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03 Jun 2008, 8:38 pm

I was middle-aged before any of these were accepted as diagnoses...I think I'm mainly AS, don't have much in the way of the others...


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03 Jun 2008, 8:39 pm

AS is internally distracted (replaying songs/visual media in head/special interest idea)
ADHD or ADD is externally distracted (pencil drops, someone walks by etc)

Many AS fit profile of ADHD, yet there is a distinct difference. Still, ADHD is covered by insurance for drugs. AS is not. ADHD is treatable, again, with drugs. AS is not.

Now, you see why psychs push the ADD/ADHD for the drug factor. It's a quick fix to keep the kid dozy. Example: My son, when he's espcially tired in the morning, seems to be more compliant. Why? Because he's exhausted and dopy. Same idea, I think. Brains are less active, slower on the drugs. They seem to be more focused but it's just that they hone in on the dumb thing in front of them and complete it. Anyone knows schools are for idiots. If you really wanted to and had half a brain, you could teach yourself anything you needed to. We really don't require schools or teachers. If kids have enough books, they can learn. Schools exist, I'm convinced, to teach conformity and keep kids off the streets (how did I get on this topic?). If I was on a stimulant, I would have been more focused and stuck to the point. Brilliant, the way I can bring it all back to the ADD topic. I'm sure I have that ADD thing if that's what you want to call it. Who cares. Suites me fine. Call it what you want. Here in America we call it Attention Deficity Hyperactivity. In Europe they call it passion, creativity, bull-headedness. Nothing wrong with digressing. It makes for a more interesting world, I think.



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03 Jun 2008, 8:41 pm

I was dxed ADHD in school. Maybe... the I'm 90 percent sure I'm just AS now

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03 Jun 2008, 8:46 pm

Both AS and ADHD, mostly resulting in me having very 'active ' AS.
I was very driven and straight-forward as a child, and also very social when I felt like it (in a more or less akward way).
So I was pretty much constantly running around, but in my own little world.

Having eidetic memory makes the inattentiveness less apparent, though (and less bothersome for me). I only have to focus on something the first time it's said and it still sticks. Unfortunately this doesn't work for trying to remember appointments and such, since I still have a very weak perception of time.


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03 Jun 2008, 8:56 pm

I was dxed with ADHD in 2006, and dxed with AS in 2007. However, they never took the ADHD off my dx, so technically I still have it. Meh, there are ADHD related scholarships out there; so I don't mind.

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03 Jun 2008, 9:04 pm

I have both to be honest.

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03 Jun 2008, 9:13 pm

Self diagnosed with ADD in high school, official diagnosis last year.
Self diagnosed with AS about 6 years ago, officially last year.
It was the 2 for 1 special that day.


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03 Jun 2008, 9:22 pm

NLD with ADHD (inattentive type only). Although the ADHD label is not actually official, three psychologists have told me they think I have it.