starkid wrote:
Skilpadde wrote:
Was that the correct reason, Starkid?
You and Adamantium are right!
I kind of agree with btbnnyr in that most people would have to know that Birmingham is inland because they wouldn't guess the connection. But the book implies that people are supposed to be able to guess that RNLA is a charity, and that the passerby thinks she doesn't need the charity because she stays inland during the holidays.
I suppose in the UK this is a theory of mind test. The internet imforms me that the author is in the UK. The internet also informs me (and probably everybody in this thread since so far no UK posters) that Birmingham is inland and that the RNLI does water rescues. On the one hand, "lifeboat" implies water rescue. On the other hand, "institution" implies buildings- a place you go, not people who come to you. At least that's how it's usually used in the U.S. Clearly it's a little different in the UK so I guess it joins the long list of words with slightly different meanings in the U.S. or UK.
Honestly before I started googling meanings, I wondered if maybe the RNLI was a naval museum or place of study (because of the word "institution") and maybe the woman was saying she didn't visit such places on vacation.With the key pieces of information that RNLI does water rescue and also that Birmingham is inland it falls into place that shne is just selfish and only donates to charities she might personally need some day.
Maybe The Walrus or other UK posters would figure it out without google. But not this American.