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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Jun 2008, 9:12 pm

Recently, I've noticed that I'm starting to get my words mixed up and confused. Sometimes, I would mix words together and saliva would shoot out of my mouth. For example, If I wanted to say "Macceroni and Cheese" it would sometimes come out as "Macheroni and cheese". This only happens when I speak outloud. My words come out perfectly when I say them in my head.

Also, I've noticed that my vocabulary is more extensive than when I'm speaking outloud. When I try to use more vocabulary when speaking outloud, I start fumbling over my words and saliva shoots out of my mouth, so it's kinda embarassing.

This happening to anyone else?


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05 Jun 2008, 9:31 pm

Oh, totally.

I have an incredibly hard time talking with other people, in real life any way.
I find it hard to organize my thoughts in my head.
That takes me forever, and conversations are generally very fast pace. So I tend to say things that sound idiotic, and slur or mix up my words.
It sucks.

Spitting does too, I always make sure I swallow obsessively around other people so it doesn't happen as often.

Maybe when you go to speak try slowing down?
That is what has always helped me.
Relaxing and slowing down, and thinking extra hard before I say it.

Or just being around people i'm comfortable with helps.
I tend to get nervous around some people and rush through my words and mess them up.
But thats just me.

Maybe practice by yourself at home?
I do that sometimes.
Reading out loud, even just the things you type online.

That helps me sometimes.
When I'm having a really muddled week.


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05 Jun 2008, 9:49 pm

I go through stages where everything I say gets jumbled up, I mispronounce, get tongue tied or just plain say the wrong word even though I know perfectly well the correct word. I used to worry I had multiple sclerosis since having symptoms like that which come and go is a sign. But it may just be an Aspie thing!


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05 Jun 2008, 10:17 pm

Shelby wrote:
I go through stages where everything I say gets jumbled up, I mispronounce, get tongue tied or just plain say the wrong word even though I know perfectly well the correct word. ...

Frankly, in my case, I think it is a combination of disuse, learning other languages, and the endless BARRAGE of people doing FAR worse!

Sometimes I am astounded by mistakes I make. Luckily, few are noticed and most might appear to be nothing to the average person.


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05 Jun 2008, 11:05 pm

IntrospectiveLoser wrote:
Oh, totally.

I have an incredibly hard time talking with other people, in real life any way.
I find it hard to organize my thoughts in my head.
That takes me forever, and conversations are generally very fast pace. So I tend to say things that sound idiotic, and slur or mix up my words.
It sucks.

Spitting does too, I always make sure I swallow obsessively around other people so it doesn't happen as often.

Maybe when you go to speak try slowing down?
That is what has always helped me.
Relaxing and slowing down, and thinking extra hard before I say it.

Or just being around people i'm comfortable with helps.
I tend to get nervous around some people and rush through my words and mess them up.
But thats just me.

Maybe practice by yourself at home?
I do that sometimes.
Reading out loud, even just the things you type online.

That helps me sometimes.
When I'm having a really muddled week.

Me too, I've been wondering if I've had a stroke. I don't spit but I do jumble my words up. But they're fine in my head. But I think it's because I only talk to NTs in real life now :( and so I have to think twice and again to communicate on their wavelenth. I think I'll try slowing right down.

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06 Jun 2008, 3:05 am

Same thing with me. :x

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Jun 2008, 3:11 am

I have the EXACT same thing! :x


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06 Jun 2008, 4:44 am

I have what is termed as "Expressive language disorder" which was probably one of the factors which led to an early diagnosis of autism when I was 8. But fortunately it has not gotten any worse which is helped along now by a far more extensive vocabulary than I even had when I was a teenager. Like I would do reasonably well at math and science but I would be consistanty be near the bottom of the class at English


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06 Jun 2008, 6:49 am

Me too, exactly the same. :(

Among other things, for me is difficult to say words/verbs ending with R, I simply remove the letter (I say this "lette", instead of letter).

Like some of you said, slowing down helps, but I start do talk in a formal way, and I don't like.


Tufted Titmouse
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06 Jun 2008, 9:39 am

Yes, the same thing happens to me and I could never figure out why. I would just be saying something and all of a sudden, the wrong sound comes out. My first thought is always that I'm just speaking too quickly, so I would try to slow down. This is quite often helpful if I just concentrate on my words.

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06 Jun 2008, 10:18 am

Yeah, absolutely. As a teen, SAT-M went 580, 650, 740 while SAT-V went 520, 600, 600. Now well into adulthood, losing my perspicacity -- especially in conversation. Have been said to represent abnormally high working vocabulary, but selfwise reflecting less so than before.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Jun 2008, 10:56 am

My friends say it's not a good day until I make up a word while speaking... usually by combining two different words/phrases that mean the same thing instead of picking one and saying it... In my friends opinion almost every day is good. (I combine words all the time)


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06 Jun 2008, 6:10 pm

I do this all the time. It sometimes takes a long time for the right word to come into my head, so I often leave long pauses in the middle of a sentence, which sounds odd to other people.

And I also clutter a bit sometimes, so that two words are mashed together. Dead spider > Dider. This happens most often when I'm under pressure, or when I'm anxious. If I'm having a relaxed one-to-one conversation, this rarely happens.

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