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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Nov 2005, 4:55 am

Even in a group of people who i consider to be like myself i always feel as if i were on the outskirts of the community. Does anyone else feel that way at all?


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03 Nov 2005, 5:30 am

Oh, definitely. Especially in school.

I never really felt like I was "in"... the kids would never let me "in". Even when I changed schools when we moved inland I still felt like an outsider... the group of kids I sat with made me feel like I was nothing more than a seatwarmer...[/url]

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03 Nov 2005, 5:34 am

Does anyone else feel that way at all?

Always. Whether that's genuine, just a feeling or self-enforced I just don't know.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Nov 2005, 5:35 am

I was speaking about the aspie community mostly, even around people who are like me i don't feel like im one of the group.


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03 Nov 2005, 8:11 am

Somtimes; but now it's nothing like it was like before college. Now I feel like I fit in at least some of the time.


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03 Nov 2005, 9:30 am

Seatwarmer here too... even around outcasts, I'm an outcast. I wonder if it's our perception or if it really is this way? I feel like this so often, though, in so many contexts, that I usually conclude it's the latter. There were times I thought that if I could just find people who were shunned by society like I felt I was, that I would feel accepted by them, but really I've never comfortable as part of a group. I've been able to form (a few) friendships on a person by person basis but I have never been able to "fall in" with a group of friends in a comfortable way.



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03 Nov 2005, 10:46 am

I have always wondered what it would be like to feel "part" of a group. I have always felt so unconnected, so individual, that even when I am with other people perhaps similar to me, I feel quite solitary. Not really alone or even sad about. It just doesn't happen. But I don't exactly know what it feels like to feel part of a group. But it's not that I haven't had occasions where I've been accepted into a group. And it isn't that I haven't liked them in return. I just don't know how to be connected like that to other people. It's unfathomable.

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03 Nov 2005, 4:57 pm

All the time.

That describes my group outings perfectly.


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03 Nov 2005, 5:21 pm

always. i have always been liminal. still am, and probably always will be, wherever i go, even here.


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03 Nov 2005, 5:25 pm

Same, same same. Always on the outskirts. . . . .

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03 Nov 2005, 5:38 pm

and never inside the skirts... :(

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