Lol at Aurore, yeah, her posts do have that tendancy, don't they.
*Bows to SIXLUCY*
Anyway, the reason I ask all of a sudden is that a couple people I work with just did this to a cleaning lady that they walked by... and were bragging about it afterwards. I had always thought that these were relatively nice people, always treated me well, and this just came from nowhere... although I've been told that I'm quite naive and tend to think the best of people until they bash me over the head with proof otherwise. They spend hours here taking abuse from others over the phone in thier jobs, complain about it, then turn around and do awful things to another who is simply trying to do her job. And at work to boot!?! I honestly do not know how to react to this. I have to work with these people every day, but now when I look at them, this is the only thing I can think of and it sickens me. I thought maybe at least understanding thier perspective might help ease the disgust... but I fear I may never understand. Ah well.
Humm, guess I should put something witty here, huh?