I don't wonder about it, I actually have, both IRL and on message boards. Sometimes I'll be having a conversation with my mom and I'll make a seemingly harmless joke which she'll take offense to, or when I express a different opinion than her's, she'll say that I didn't listen to what she said and that I need to learn to listen. Well yes I did listen! There's a difference between not listening to someone and listening to them and forming a different opinion from them.
And it's not said directly to me at work, but I get the feeling my managers think I'm either being disrespectful, not wanting to do the work, making excuses at times. For example when I do simple things like ask them when a certain task, break, or change in task is going to be, they get very condescending, when all I want to know is simply when these things are going to start and end. Also sometimes when a manager asks me why something didn't get done perfectly or isn't done yet, there are times when either I wasn't the person who did that task in the first place and when I tell the manager she gives me this attitude like she thinks I'm "passing the buck", or if I did do the task, I give them the honest answer, such as I had to help customers, or someone else gave me another task to finish first, and she gives me attitude as if I gave the wrong answer. Well if I can't give you the honest answer, what is the right one???
I also used to post at a Yankees message board a few years ago, and there was a game where we gave up several runs in an inning, and when I made a comment about finally getting out of the inning when it was over, the moderator reprimanded me for "player bashing", which was against the site's rules. I don't have the slightest idea how a general statement of frustration can be construed as "player bashing". Needless to say I haven't posted there since.