Hi there,
Most of you come from the States and some from the southern parts there.
My question is how do you deal with the heat or the warm temperature there?
My brain start boiling when the temp. goes above +/- 25 degrees Celsius or in Fahrenheit it's +/- 77 degrees and I really most take it easy. And drink, for example, no coffee or I'm going to freak. I lost a job 'cos of it, during a period (aug.'03) of very high T (>30 d. C.). I freaked out.
There will be parts of your country that go beyond 100 degrees F. I think I would shoot myself in those circumstances. I'm not promoting that, of course.
Me, high-functioning most of the time, stop doing that. I find it very stressfull. What is your view, here, on boiling temperatures? And how do you cope?
Best of luck to you all,
P.s. We, in Europe, use degrees in Celsius, the USA uses Fahrenheit. But that's quite simple to converse; for those who want to know:
Celsius to Fahrenheit, F= C x 1.8 + 32 and
Fahrenheit to Celsius, C= (F - 32)/1.8.
Solum certum nihil esse certi, et
homine nihil miserius aut superbius.