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27 Aug 2008, 2:03 am

I think dreams are interesting.

I have three main recurring dreams:

  • Dreams where I'm stuck in school (not college or university) as an adult. Often I dream that my school and my university as adjacent to each other (they're nowhere near each other in real life), and I am trying to escape from school to university.
  • Dreams where I and my parents are in the house I grew up in, and I don't understand why I'm there, because my parents sold the house. (They did sell it - that's why I don't live there any more!) I also have dreams about walking the streets of the town I grew up in.
  • Dreams where an airplane crashes into the ground near me. I am never injured, but I witness airplane crashes regularly in dreams. I know in the dreams that I witness crashes very frequently - I remember the other "crashes" in the dreams.

Obviously the first two dreams seem to have something to do with not being able to get over my childhood/adolescence, which is indeed an issue for me. (I guess my whole life since I was about 16 has consisted of trying to recover from it.)

I don't understand the third dream at all. I'm extremely comfortable with flying (the thing I dread most is the annoying security at the airport :roll: ) so I do not know why I would have recurring dreams about airplane crashes.

Of course, not all my dreams are recurring dreams. The most recent dream I remember was two nights ago. I dreamed that I had breakfast in a Chinese restaurant in Botswana.

I flew from Johannesburg to someplace in Botswana (I don't know what city) in a South African Airways Boeing 747-SP, despite the fact that SAA hasn't used the 747-SP in years and it was a long-range airplane you wouldn't fly from South Africa to Botswana. (It is pretty aspie of me, I think, to note in a dream what kind of airplane I am flying in.)

Strangely, despite being a Chinese restaurant in Southern Africa, they were serving North American breakfast food, complete with maple syrup. Even in the dream, this surprised me.

There were no written menus, and I was confused at what the choices were. And the coffee and tea came with ice in it, despite being served in cups and saucers (but somehow the cups were clear, but they were the shape of cups, but not glasses).

My father was there. There were other people there, who I seemed to know in the dream, but not in real life.

I don't remember what I actually ate.

This one was a total mystery to me - I hadn't eaten Chinese food that day, hadn't had any reason to think of Botswana or South Africa or 747-SPs or anything.

Last edited by dougn on 27 Aug 2008, 2:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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27 Aug 2008, 2:13 am

I dream anything.

But i used to have a very bad recuring dream for years. I think it is stop few years ago.

It was all about feelings and senses, texture.

Sand was heavy, mouvement were slow, sound became a taste, a smell became hard to touch...
I was suffering a lot when i had this dream. And it didnt stop when i was awake. I was ripping books, shaking.... I hated having this dream.


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27 Aug 2008, 2:18 am

And here I was thinking my dreams were odd!
I dream a parallel of the days events; indistinguishable from reality? I sometimes cannot tell if I am asleep or awake. It has something to do with how I think; Im a scientific savant.
My other dream is impossible to put into words... It's sort of like being of the universe, yet existing before, being removed from it, and existing after. The only feeling is the usual intense, depressing loneliness I puT up with daily, but magnified, all encompassing, everything. All reality passes and my loneliness is all that can or ever has been or will be.
Hard to explain, but that gets close.

Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?

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27 Aug 2008, 2:21 am

yes i think when dreams dont tell a story, it is very hard to explain... it is more in our mind... because it is so abstract, yet in picture...


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27 Aug 2008, 2:29 am

Wow!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

This is very interesting; I too have a recurring dream where I am at school as an adult surrounded by youngsters. They are NOT my old classmates though, but complete strangers. Sometimes I can’t find which class I am supposed to be in and sometimes I’m late for school and can’t find my uniform.

Also, whenever I have a general dream I am always living at my old family home and not where I live now.

I also dream about being chased by an unstoppable robot in various “terminator” like forms.

Another recurring one is that I am back at my old job (which I hated) rather than the enjoyable one that I do now.

Yet another is that I find a motorbike in my garden shed (at the old house) that I’d forgotten I had and go out on it to my old teenage haunts. Sometimes it is one of the bikes that I owned and sometimes it is the powerful superbike that I always wanted.

the ghost of aviation
she was swallowed by the sky
or by the sea
like me,,,,,,,,she had a dream to fly

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27 Aug 2008, 6:41 am

You dream about witnessing plane wrecks??? That's my most recurrent dream. Only sometimes they crash and sometimes they just explode in midair. I am just the horrified spectator.
But usually my dreams have something to do with what happened in the day, only it's a more interesting story in sleep.

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27 Aug 2008, 7:47 am

I don't seem to dream. At night the last thing I am conscious of is just barely being asleep and then instantly, less than a second goes by and it is time to get up.

Nothing in between, no thoughts/dreams/images, nothing. I used to dream when I was a child, but for a very long time this is how my nights are.

I do remember the last time I dreamt though, I was in a basement filled with catacombs and bodies. The bodies started to rise and I fought them off till there were none. The dream ended there, but the next night I had the exact same dream with one change, the last body acted as if it remembered what happened the night before and changed what it did. It even mentioned the previous days events when I started to do the same thing I did the night before.

Interesting to say the least, but that was the last time I had a dream.

Last edited by PandorasDigitalBox on 27 Aug 2008, 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Aug 2008, 7:55 am

Unfortunately I rarely dream lately (and also often have bad/tiring sleep), and that's not good, oniric activity is a good indicator of mental health, hope things will change as my life is currently changing, hopefully for the better..

"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger" (Joker)

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27 Aug 2008, 8:23 am

I know that I dream but I don't know what I dream. It's almost like my unconscious mind is completely separated from my conscious mind.
All I remember after my dreams are emotions. Though most nights I think I don't dream because I don't even get those emotions.

Though sometimes I get a deja vu kind of a feeling when I'm awake- I think that sometimes my dreams take me close to or even tell me what might be happening soon. Weird?

Sometimes I do get the feeling (when dreaming) that I have seen this before (recurring dream?) but I don't know what they were.


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27 Aug 2008, 9:25 am

This life is Maya (illusion) the Hindus say, and the Aborigenes from Austrailia say that the dream world is the real world.
I dream all sorts of dreams and sometimes I have a recurrent dream, I also woke up with tears in my eyes one time when I dreamed of my mum who was ill.

Another time I dreamed I was dancing a slow with her and I felt something was wrong. That month after my mum was found on the floor with a brain was a premonition!

An acquaintance of mine says she can manipulate her dreams while dreaming

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27 Aug 2008, 9:38 am

An acquaintance of mine says she can manipulate her dreams while dreaming

It's called Lucid Dreaming. I've done it in the past, though it has been a few years since I tried. It's very cool...however I could never get the dreams to last more than a few seconds after I realized I was dreaming.

I don't remember my dreams for very long but they usually seem to be rather mundane. My most common recurring dreams are dreams of being back in high school or college (usually HS) and having an exam for which I am completely unprepared. In the college dreams it's usually that I haven't been to class all semester (well that part is true, I only used to go to class when I had to, since I need to read stuff to learn it.) I've also had dreams where I'm back in the house my family lived in when I was in middle and high school.

Quantum Mechanics -- the dreams stuff is made of


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27 Aug 2008, 9:42 am

lately I dream about being with my eldest sister or mother but also I dream of meeting old teachers or doing an art exam at school, or retrieving important artwork or a portfolio with art in my school...that's 30 years ago when I was at that school!! !

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27 Aug 2008, 10:38 am

My regular dreams rock. If they were turned into movies they would make me alot of money. Some were horror. Most were fantasy.

Like one where there were 4 elemental dragons and were trapped in 4 necklaces. Four friends find them and control them. 3 men and 1 women. there were heros called the Dragon Riders for awhile. 2 guys like the one girl, one shows it the other hides it and she liked both. And she married the one who showed it. Then he used his dragon's to rule and killed one of the guys and took his necklace. The women started to have uneasy feeling about this but she could leave him as she feared for her life. The other guy, that liked the girl , challeged the ruler with 2 necklaces. He couldn't win but he but he flew one his dragon into another dragon riden by the bad guys second in command. Both were destored by somehow the good guy survived and went into hiding. The bad guy began a long rule of tyranny believing that the other guy died too. The guy in hiding found traveled and heard stories of another dragon. It didn't have any elemental powers and was much weaker then the elemental dragons. He find the necklace and trains. He confronts the bad guy. The bad guy easily defeats the other dragon. As he goes to kill the man the women jumps infront of the attack and is hit, as she is dying she gives her necklace to the good guy. The good guy fights with her dragon wins. And the bad guy is destroyed. The people rejoice and want him to be king but he refuses and flies the last dragon with himself into a volcano so that the dragons can never be used again.

Sounds like a good movies or book right?

MY recurring dreams were'nt as glamorous. I have none now.

-One was a hunted house throughout my grandma's house, the inside was bigger than it really is. The cart has to keep moving or else the monsters would attack you. Sometimes it wouldn't shut down. Most times it did, then you have to escape through a labrinth of room, following the track would meen death. There was one exit through a small hole. When you escape there is a cotton candy machine and we eat it with scratches and cut on our body's.

-Another was placed in my first house, I only had this dream when I lived there. It was basically tag, I would be at the top of the steps of our basement. I'd be chased by a ghost and had to make it to the upstairs before I got caught. A lot of the time I couldn't move well, quicksand, other times I would fall and couldn't get up. It felt like the gravity was much stronger. Sometimes I would complete it the first time and it was done for the night, others would take all night. The ghost wasn't bad it just wouldn't let be quit playing. This dream was based on our fear of the basement when it was dark. Later when I was older a bit I had experieces of a real ghost. It was a joking ghost. The light switch was in the basement, I turned it off ran upstairs. But before I could reach the steps I felt something grabe me and I ran in place for 10 second. Flys would cover our windows and none would be on surronding houses. Then after we moved I heard it was offically deemed haunted.

I have a question. Have you ever had multiple dreams one night, wake up, fall back asleep and all the characters, from all the dreams are just standing in an emty void?


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27 Aug 2008, 10:40 am

Usualy about my current obsessions. I always have meerkat dreams. I am usualy trying to find a way to interact with them but some biologist or zoo keeper won't let me.

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27 Aug 2008, 10:46 am

My dreams are quite weird, the most occuring dreams are ones that do with trains or my old secondary school. I guess trains because throughout my secondary school and now college life I have always used trains as a transport to get to the school. And i guess i dream about my old secondary school because i still have some bitter feelings about it, and maybe some happy memories.

I think the most haunting dream that i still remember even now, was I walking in the park minding my own business when this guy came screaming out and the bully I once new from my old school kicked him to the ground. Then when the police came the whole crowd in the park accused me of doing it even though they knew the bully did it. This i guess goes with my fear that all humans will stab me in the back someday...

other then that my dreams re weird..but there was these two really weird dreams which had to do with knowing the future. The first one I was an space astronought who landed in the country becase I knew someone would get run over by a car but it never happened. The second one I was in some group that was stopping an assasination plot that I fortold and one of the group betrayed us and ran to the roof to do the assasination. I still to this day have no clue of what those two dreams really meant.

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27 Aug 2008, 11:29 am

I usualy can not remember realy well but lately I have been, often they are quite good and I realy want to see more. One recently was odd it was like a story and I found it very interesting, it was like I kind of made it up as it whent but it was like I realy wantd to continue. I wanted to know the ending but it is like I must already know I was the one makeing it but I had no idea, often they can something familiar or they can be something realy original.

At times I have figured wait a minuet this is a dream, and suddnley I become a lot more aware, I have found it that I can be in a fully aware state at times. To the extent I have had situations where I go, I am going to have to wake up now.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall