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02 Aug 2008, 2:09 pm

.....has cursed me all my life. A dog helps. I'm fifty.

Life in a small village as a kid was hell (7 to 17) wasn't born there.

Its probably a result of too often alone - zilch companions.

I never dawdle, always walk with a purpose.

Semi urban environment is best for where I live, I never want to know the names of anyone. Yet for recreation/pleasure I must have wide open spaces, empty hill country.


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02 Aug 2008, 2:34 pm

i sort of know how you feel. depending on my level of interaction with others during a period of time, i can often be like this as well. lack of contact with other humans seems to exacerbate it greatly.

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02 Aug 2008, 3:21 pm

it depends on the time and how often I go out, the more often I stay in my house, the more often I feel juttey when walking out. When I go out once-twice a day or so I adapt to it eventually and am ok. When I first go into malls often I', out ot it and afraid but then I adapt and remember what some guy said that few people pay attention.

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02 Aug 2008, 4:49 pm

I detest malls, only ever been to one fifteen years ago.

Tks peebo. I also have a problem getting into my back garden. I would love company to aid me.


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02 Aug 2008, 4:51 pm

ablomov wrote:
I never dawdle, always walk with a purpose.

Semi urban environment is best for where I live, I never want to know the names of anyone. Yet for recreation/pleasure I must have wide open spaces, empty hill country.

Walking with a defined purpose is actually a good thing in many high crime areas.

In never wanting to know the names of anyone, how do you cope with feelings of loneliness and depression?

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Aug 2008, 5:19 pm

What if you need food or equipment for you computer?


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02 Aug 2008, 5:42 pm

Fear of going outside is called agoraphobia. They have pills for that. Its not generally considered a symptom of autism.

Some autistics describe having social phobias, but in more than a few cases, its not usually a true social anxiety disorder. Autistics tend to dislike social events, but don't fear them. If an aspie was dragged to a wild party against his will, he would just find a corner and sit until the party was over. If a person with SAD was dragged to a party, they would freak. Likewise, an aspie would voluntarily go to a social event if there was a clear reason to go. A person with true SAD would not go for any reason.


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02 Aug 2008, 5:47 pm

Do you mean you're afraid of going outside literally like walking outside your door? Or are you afraid of going places such as parties or the mall? It's good to take small steps such as walking down the street or going to a local gas station/convenience store to buy something.

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Aug 2008, 7:54 pm

If he's fifty then I don't know...

I'm not afraid of people, at least people who aren't out to kill me.


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03 Aug 2008, 3:38 am

re zsazsa and everyone, when I've my self employed 'business hat ' on I'm much more able and confident. Re food etc, clothes, wife buys all that. Re computer stuff (had this secondhand m/c delivered & set up for me), never need it except when I smashed a keyboard up in anger - that emotion crops up now andagn - i have to recognise the triggers and get wife to do same.

Most people wld never guess what was in my head to look at me. oops theres a door slammed - wife hates keyboard clicking - what a happy household. Just as well I have intense interests.

Re parties - uh?

Its not being able to get into the garden at the back - its huge and full of very interesting plants from around the world, mostly raised from seed by me. Lots of old roses and habitat for birds. Its a very intelligent and interesting place. I sometimes garden for an hour before gouing to work, I start late at noon, tho am trying to bring that forward an hour.

I've forgotten the point I was trying to make. Yeah - this fear of going out was worse as a kid say seven to seventeen, once my Dad died and got slung into digs (which must have been harrowing? I can't remember too well) I felt better. Perhaps my parents had an evil pernicious influence? Starting Tech College and work were hell. Gotta go now, ....