Mw99 wrote:
Here's what he said about me:
Usually this is a community where I find everyone friendly and trying to build relationships based on trust, knowledge and kindness. Unfortunately you are a member that I just don't feel the connection of our common interest with.
That comment got me thinking: is that why I, as an aspie-like individual, have failed as a social being? Because I don't actively strive to build relationships based on trust, knowledge and kindness? Is that why I have failed at life? But why don't I strive to build those relationships, like most NTs surely do? Why?
I don't understand this idea of "failing at life". I think being happy is the measure of whether your life is successful or not. Having friends, money, sex, drug are all pointless if this is not what you want. I want knowledge, learning and interaction with people similar to myself. The achievement of these goals will make me happy. The opinions of others about my subjective worth are irrelevant to me and should be irrelevant to others. This person is clearly playing games with you and needs to be told to stop expressing his egocentric disdain. Having an opinion is not sufficient reason to express it.