Tons of people know i have autism, we have warning stickers that says occupant with autism may not respond to verbal commands, for the cops so i dont get hurt anymore, and an autism awareness sticker, and i have shirts too, that say something about autism on them. One day my boyfriend blurted it out at a car meet, when a guy asked who he knew had autism, because i was sittin in the car avoiding any human contact lol, he didnt know i was in there hahaha, i was so upset he did though, but everybody seemed so understanding, and some already assumed i was some form of mental retardation. One of his friends were like i have a touch of diabetes if it makes ya feel any better, i was like no thats a disease not a disorder, he just laughed. Now so many ppl know, because i also leave cards at restaurants and ppl surprise me how they understand and how their accepting. I get special waves when ppl see me, special big heyyes, smiles, winks lol, its funny. So yes a lot of people know i have autism, although i have classic autism, there are times i do seem ntish, even if there rare.
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated