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12 Dec 2008, 3:15 am

I feel like my brain is in overload. I am becoming nonfunctional. I can't remember anything; I can't get anything done; my environment(home and the mess inside it) is driving me crazy; I feel trapped. I am slowly slipping into mindlessness. I feel like my brain function is slipping away. How do I get out of this. How can I organize my life to get everything back in order. There is currently NO ORGANIZATION to my life at all. I feel lost and trapped within myself.


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12 Dec 2008, 4:02 am

I go through times where I feel like this in one currently..maybe it is the full moon.


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12 Dec 2008, 4:15 am

Start taking omega 3, could help, helped me a bit


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12 Dec 2008, 5:13 am

I was thinking that too..I am alot less in control of my moods when I am not taking my omegas...and I have fallen off the wagon lately...just started again.....and am reminded that I really shouldn't do that.


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12 Dec 2008, 8:55 am

Sounds like you are suffering from low-grade depression. First things first...make your bed and put away your laundry. Then tidy the kitchen and wash the dishes. The next day, tidy your living space.

The day after that...take a garbage bag and throw out 30 things that you do not need in the house. Even if you throw out a used kleenex, count that.

Do this purging twice a week.

Keep the kitchen tidy, and tidy your living space.

Do you work? Do you go to school? When you have time, set aside 20 minutes and a timer and do one area of your place. Stop after the 20 minutes. If you can manage, do the same thing every day, if not, every two days.

Make yourself go to the grocery store and buy 2 healthy food items. Then go home and make something to eat. If you prefer prepackaged food, buy some frozen dinners. Clean up is really easy that way.

Just take this piecemeal approach and do things in small portions. Don't overwhelm yourself. You CAN do the dishes for 15 minutes. You CAN sweep the kitchen floor. Just stop between times and use a timer. Once the timer goes, you no longer have to do the chore. Just make sure you do that at least twice a night.

You CAN take back your life. You CAN rearrange the mess in your place. If this doesn't serve to alleviate your feelings...GO TO A DOCTOR! You are suffering from depression and need meds to adjust your brain chemistry. At that point you will feel better able to take control of your life.

Good luck.


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12 Dec 2008, 9:06 am

DevonB wrote:
Sounds like you are suffering from low-grade depression. First things first...make your bed and put away your laundry. Then tidy the kitchen and wash the dishes. The next day, tidy your living space.

The day after that...take a garbage bag and throw out 30 things that you do not need in the house. Even if you throw out a used kleenex, count that.

Do this purging twice a week.

Keep the kitchen tidy, and tidy your living space.

Do you work? Do you go to school? When you have time, set aside 20 minutes and a timer and do one area of your place. Stop after the 20 minutes. If you can manage, do the same thing every day, if not, every two days.

Make yourself go to the grocery store and buy 2 healthy food items. Then go home and make something to eat. If you prefer prepackaged food, buy some frozen dinners. Clean up is really easy that way.

Just take this piecemeal approach and do things in small portions. Don't overwhelm yourself. You CAN do the dishes for 15 minutes. You CAN sweep the kitchen floor. Just stop between times and use a timer. Once the timer goes, you no longer have to do the chore. Just make sure you do that at least twice a night.

You CAN take back your life. You CAN rearrange the mess in your place. If this doesn't serve to alleviate your feelings...GO TO A DOCTOR! You are suffering from depression and need meds to adjust your brain chemistry. At that point you will feel better able to take control of your life.

Good luck.
Excellent Advice! What I try to keep in mind is to "control what I CAN control" when I feel overwhelmed. Your words are very helpful.. :lol:


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12 Dec 2008, 11:49 am

FrogGirl wrote:
I feel like my brain is in overload. I am becoming nonfunctional. I can't remember anything; I can't get anything done; my environment(home and the mess inside it) is driving me crazy; I feel trapped. I am slowly slipping into mindlessness. I feel like my brain function is slipping away. How do I get out of this. How can I organize my life to get everything back in order. There is currently NO ORGANIZATION to my life at all. I feel lost and trapped within myself.

I could have written this myself. I think the answer may be to get some outside help. Once you get some order in your life it can be easier to sustain that order, but it can be impossible to 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' and create that order. Being around people will help. One reason other people help me is it forces me to have a motivation outside of myself. When I try to live by myself and for myself and have such bad depression, I give up because I know that I will not feel better if I change things. But if I am doing it for others, I know they may feel better because I'm doing something for them.

Just a thought, not sure if that always works, because I'm kindof waiting for the opportunity to act on it myself. Hopefully it being the weekend will help, and the holidays.


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12 Dec 2008, 12:06 pm

I wonder if "outside help" in this case might not mean hiring a maid service for a day? Environmental chaos is no fun.

Of course, afterward you would have to put in place some kind of cleaning system. I just do one of seven designated areas on the corresponding day of the week. (One of the "areas" is bills, another is shopping, so it's not all household chores.)

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13 Dec 2008, 12:57 am

Callista wrote:
I wonder if "outside help" in this case might not mean hiring a maid service for a day? Environmental chaos is no fun.

funny thing is that I clean houses for pay, and I don't mind doing it. The person that i clean for lets me know that she really apprecieates me coming over and cleaning, even though she pays me. I feel like no one is helping me around my house. I have a husband and two kids, and I do alot more work around the house than they do. Everyone makes the messes,but I am the one who cleans them up. If not me, then no one would. I need a visually organized environment to feel calm. Also another thing is this is the 4th anniversary to my moms death(she died from breast cancer). I know that my emotions are affecting my 7 year old(aspergers also) and I have been getting reports from his school that he is sad most of the day. My husband pointed this out to me the other day. I have a Dr. that I will be seeing again next week, but I feel that she isn't really listening to me and coming to conclusions with limited info. She wants to prescribe me bipolar meds, but that wont help becasue I am not bipolar. I have never had a manic episode, so I don't know where she is coming from, other than the info that my former dr. sent to her when he refered me last January to her. My old dr. was certain that everyone was bipolar. ugg. Anyway, thanks for the advice everyone. I have so much junk, and I have a hard time throwing things away, especially papers. I also tend to try to do too many things at once. Never finishing any of it becasue i get overwhelmed from it all. This evening, after I was going from one thing to another, to another, as I thought of things I needed to do, I realized that I had started about 5 different tasks within 5 mins, and each task was about a 10 minute task each. I then had to really focus on getting one task done, then going on to the next, and not losing focus before I could get done with the task at hand. I have told my last dr. and my current dr. that adhd is a definate thing with me since childhood, but no diagnosis. My last dr. didn't want to order my Prozac(when i transferred to him from a nother dr. because he said that it causes mania in bipolar disorder. grrrrrrr) If that were the case, wheres the manic episodes that I have supposed to have since I started taking Prozac in 1994, when I was 19. I Actually got really depressesd and suicidal when i first started taking it. Since then, it just takes the edge off. I think a med for adhd might help, but they don't want to order it for some reason.


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13 Dec 2008, 1:03 am

Have you got a room in your house to clear out, and use as a sanctuary that nobody else is allowed to go into?

Call it an office or a craft room or something. Just emphasize that it's off limits because you go there to relax.

I mean, if the kids have their own rooms, why not you?

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13 Dec 2008, 1:19 am

Callista wrote:
Have you got a room in your house to clear out, and use as a sanctuary that nobody else is allowed to go into?

Call it an office or a craft room or something. Just emphasize that it's off limits because you go there to relax.

I mean, if the kids have their own rooms, why not you?

No, I don't have anywhere that is ALL mine. I live in a two bedroom townhome, and my two boys share a room(a big issue for my 7 yr old. who needs a place all of his own too. he also is AS.) There is no extra room. My basement is a disaster. I currently have one half of the basement set up for an extra area for the kids of they want to play. It is always getting messed up. I have 3 old cats who can't seem to get it in the box half the time, and a dog who thinks everywhere is her bathroom( I just had to throw about 6 loads of the kids clothes back into the wash becasue the pets peed and pooped all over it(my husband, instead of putting it away, just took it off of the bed and dumped it on the floor). I feel like the more i do to try to get organized and get things done, the further behind I get. I really need to attack my room and get it straightened up so I have at least one room to escape to. I currently have the bathroom nice and neat, so that is at least one room. :D


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13 Dec 2008, 4:44 am

I don't know this worked for me. I just took a sleep and just let go of everything and let whatever take over me. Now I feel refreshed and happy again.


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13 Dec 2008, 6:13 am

I feel like this in long periods, especial in the winter. I just let it pass, until I can organize again. I'm in full job and that kind of take all my energy in periods. Sometimes I have to take anti-depressiva in order to sleep, or the job would go down the drain as well.
I found that the older generation of anti-depressiva helps me more, what I take is called Tolvon, maybe different names in other parts of the world.

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14 Dec 2008, 3:02 am

sanity is highly over ratesd


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14 Dec 2008, 3:03 am

sanity is highly over ratesd

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14 Dec 2008, 11:05 am

it sounds like you have depression. i know when im depressed alot of things go, especially any cleaning i have to do

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