Orwell wrote:
Somehow I don't think this (or any amount of evidence) will dissuade the conspiracy theorists.
YOU are obsessed with conpiracists..
you want to know what I think?.. Assuming you know what the Illuminati is by now, it's easier that way..
I call it the double sided coin trick.. If the illuminati tell the public that vaccines MAY cause autism, then what do people do?.. SOME people will stop giving their babies the vaccine, and therefore open them up to other diseases.. this is a real easy way to cause famine and death, potentially..
OR people will continue giving it to their babies while there is also a chance of poisoning.. not necessarily autism.. this is the distorted game that they can play with people.. If they say it causes autism, and people know better than to believe that, then they continue taking a vaccine which could actually cause worse things than autism.. Mercury IS damaging to the human body, and while it may not cause autism, that doesn't mean it doesn't cause somethign else, so you put the thought out of your mind and go PHEW..
true story, my mom and a guy she worked with refused to get a Flue shot at her workplace, because the boss said it was mandatory for everyone... well, everyone who took it got the flue, and her and the guy that didn't take it, didn't get the flue.. because flue shots are not healthy, as well as most vaccines are not.. I like natural health, not artificial health..