AbominableSnoCone wrote:
Well if you're saying that the flu shots that had traces of mercury in them (do I have my facts right?) could cause retardation and LFA-type symptoms in auties, I do not think that is entirely out of the question. It may be that the actual birthrate of aspies/auties has actually been the same all these decades but its only because of the exacerbating effects of the mercury that so many people are noticing these cases of autism.
No, it's not flu shots that are the big issue. It's the vaccinations they give babies when they're born, vaccines for polio, smallpox, etc. The idea is that thimerosol, which is a murcury-based preservative, is being put into a baby's very sensitive and developing nervous system and making much more severe the autism or AS gene already there.
AbominableSnoCone wrote:
While I don't really agree with Kennedy, I think any excuse to get the gov't off their asses and start making the environment cleaner and safer is not a gift horse I should look in the mouth. but I haven't researched his cause very closely.
Definitely take a close look before you judge his case.

Yeah, it should be a no-brainer that the government would not be using any heavy metal as a preservative for vaccines.
Their excuse is that it's all they've got that will keep the vaccines fresh for any length of time, but I smell a big, fat, pharmaceutical corporate rat in there someplace: it's about MONEY, the higher costs of using other preservatives, and the absolutely staggering class-action lawsuit that will be brought by literally hundreds of thousands of parents and children if thimerosol is shown to affect brain and nervous development negatively. You think the tobacco lawsuits were big ... they'll look like peanuts if this one turns out to be true.
By the way, did you know that some representatives have already tried to pass legislation making it illegal to bring class-action lawsuits against the Big Pharma companies for using thimerosol and covering up its effects? I smell some smoke there. Could be fire.... Why make it illegal if it's silly?
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Or dream you can do,
Begin it.
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