caramel wrote:
i don't know how this will be received but i did read long ago that in places like japan and china they like to maintain eye-cotnact all the time- but the way they do it for themselves ISN'T by looking the person in the eye. They focus at the central point on the bridge of the nose- it APPEARS like their maintaining eye-contact, and allows them to feel comfortable in the fact that they DON'T have to look someone in the eye but they are being received as they are....
i odn't know if anyone else has heard this before but maybe it'll help!
That's what we were taught to do and what I do, but I still get told I have a weird, penetrating stare when I think I'm being normal. When I practice in the mirror, I can't see that it looks weird or penetrating and I can't look into eyes for long without being freaked out (think horror movie type of freaking out). So, I can do it, but it appears strange to people anyway. I just tell them my brain can't process the expressions people try to give off with their eyes so not to let it bother them when I can't look or look away. I tell them that it unnerves me that I don't know what people are trying to tell me with their eyes. Then, they kind of freak out because they try to imagine what it would be like not to understand eyes when they are so dependent on them. I usually get, "Wow. I would hate that. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read eyes." That seems to allow them to understand why I don't do it and relax. If I don't do that, they either feel like I think they are lying (because of the penetrating stare) or they think I am lying because I look away. It's just easier for me to explain, let it weird them out and get it over with. Sometimes they even tell me what people's eyes mean after that. LOL That's pretty cute when they do that.
Mostly I work with techno geeks. None of them care. None of us belongs to the group. LOL