tomamil wrote:
but one thing i have learned the hard way and i believe it applies to each of us. self pity is pretty nasty thing, the worst direction one can go.
Sheesh, can I quote you? Oh, I am!
Hear, hear. I don't care WHO you are, WHAT your circumstances are, WHERE you are in life, self pity is a waste of time. There is only ONE person who can make you happy, and that is YOU. (Read Man's Search for Meaning for a poignant reminder of this). Many of us need to have meaning in our lives to be happy, and in our modern society, meaning is often equated with being successful in some endeavor. Our identities are frequently inextricably intertwined with our sense of worth.
As to being successful -- I believe that ANYONE can be successful in/at life. It takes hard work, perseverance, self-knowledge, and the humility to ask for help when you need it. Humility is indeed a very good trait -- being overly proud is not.