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07 Sep 2008, 11:33 pm

Do any of you have the same family issues as i do?

Parents who, even after being told what to do to fix the problem, refuse to do it then claim to be "Out of ideas"

Parents who, talk s**t about you to the rest of your family, like my mom is doing now to her friend. She's been bitching and bitching about me for about an hour, and i've been standing here, listening to the BS that her friend is believing. Last night i went to my grandparents 50th anniversary, and for the whole 6hours of being there, all i did was sit there and drink my crap ass non-alcoholic beverages. Fruit punch, 7up, etc etc, im sick of it now. Its not that i felt so anxious or anything like that, hell, my mom, my aunt, and a few girls my age even asked me to dance (even though it was out of pity), and i turned them all down. Why did i sit there all night, instead of drinking and partying like everybody else? Its quite simple, i didn't feel like proving anything to anyone, and i didn't want the alcohol to make me feel like i should.

Its a little hard to feel comfortable around a big group of people who have never thought anything but the worst of you your whole life. I actually had a very long boring night last night, but i would not say it was a bad night. I didn't even sit at the table with my parents and (as*hole ugly piece of s**t) brother, i spent the whole night in a chair, at the table across the room. A few people i know gathered around me, and even though i knew most of them, i didn't even bother trying to start up a conversation, i actually felt like they weren't worth my time, which was quite strange, cause i never feel like im worth anyone elses time.

A few weeks ago i even printed out a bunch of stuff, like some posts from here i posted, and a 3page letter to my parents explaining everything they do, and what they can do to change it, not being much. Also printed a few informaton pages about aspergers and i stuck it all in an enveloppe and gave it to my aunt. Ive got someone in my family who knows the truth, instead of the two idiots who refuse to change it. Ive done as much as i could to fix this so called "Family" i am part of, all the while being stepped on and treated like crap. Ive done all i can, and nobody else has tried.

All last week i was in a town over 100km away dropping off resumes, looking for a job. I`ve decided if by wednesday this week i haven`t gotten a call, im buying my ticket to edmonton. All of my stuff is alreghty sold, jobs alreghty been quit. I was kinda looking forward to moving to the newer town, i got some good friends there, and its still far from this hell hole. My buddy even said i could stay at his house as long as i want, but i dont want to move there for no cheap paying job, i want something that will give me enough money to live, save up for school, and still be able to form a social life with, and im very sceptical as to if i will be able to do it.

So my final days are near :)


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07 Sep 2008, 11:45 pm

They tried more than you give them credit for.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Sep 2008, 11:48 pm

MY mother and father gave me to my grandma for adoption when I was 4 or 5. I don't remember exactly when. My grandpa died when I was 5 due to cerebrovascular complications from agent orange exposure in vietnam. My parents were finally formally divorced when I was about 8. I've pretty much lived with my grandma all I can remember. My mother is very unstable and has spent a lot of visits with the psychiatric ward. My father has been in jail many times for driving under the influence of just about everything you can think of.

They all seem to try to the best of the ability but often lack enough understanding of themselves in order to attain that critical mass of insight necessary to relate to why I say or do the things I do. I have never determined if it's some inherent problem they have that causes this or if they're just slightly more normal than I am.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Sep 2008, 2:28 am

OP, unless you move away and "start" your own life, your family will be a vortex that just makes your problems worse. Good luck

only dead fish go with the flow


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08 Sep 2008, 3:39 am

Its a big step but you need to cut the umbilical cord and get away from all that negativity. You can't be expected to develop good feelings about yourself unless you break away from them. You will probably endure some hard times but it is so worth it. Good luck and believe in yourself; we Aspies have a way of landing on our feet.


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08 Sep 2008, 9:39 am

prillix wrote:
Do any of you have the same family issues as i do?

Parents who, even after being told what to do to fix the problem, refuse to do it then claim to be "Out of ideas"

Parents who, talk sh** about you to the rest of your family, like my mom is doing now to her friend. She's been bitching and bitching about me for about an hour, and i've been standing here, listening to the BS that her friend is believing. Last night i went to my grandparents 50th anniversary, and for the whole 6hours of being there, all i did was sit there and drink my crap ass non-alcoholic beverages. Fruit punch, 7up, etc etc, im sick of it now. Its not that i felt so anxious or anything like that, hell, my mom, my aunt, and a few girls my age even asked me to dance (even though it was out of pity), and i turned them all down. Why did i sit there all night, instead of drinking and partying like everybody else? Its quite simple, i didn't feel like proving anything to anyone, and i didn't want the alcohol to make me feel like i should.

Its a little hard to feel comfortable around a big group of people who have never thought anything but the worst of you your whole life. I actually had a very long boring night last night, but i would not say it was a bad night. I didn't even sit at the table with my parents and (as*hole ugly piece of sh**) brother, i spent the whole night in a chair, at the table across the room. A few people i know gathered around me, and even though i knew most of them, i didn't even bother trying to start up a conversation, i actually felt like they weren't worth my time, which was quite strange, cause i never feel like im worth anyone elses time.

A few weeks ago i even printed out a bunch of stuff, like some posts from here i posted, and a 3page letter to my parents explaining everything they do, and what they can do to change it, not being much. Also printed a few informaton pages about aspergers and i stuck it all in an enveloppe and gave it to my aunt. Ive got someone in my family who knows the truth, instead of the two idiots who refuse to change it. Ive done as much as i could to fix this so called "Family" i am part of, all the while being stepped on and treated like crap. Ive done all i can, and nobody else has tried.

All last week i was in a town over 100km away dropping off resumes, looking for a job. I`ve decided if by wednesday this week i haven`t gotten a call, im buying my ticket to edmonton. All of my stuff is alreghty sold, jobs alreghty been quit. I was kinda looking forward to moving to the newer town, i got some good friends there, and its still far from this hell hole. My buddy even said i could stay at his house as long as i want, but i dont want to move there for no cheap paying job, i want something that will give me enough money to live, save up for school, and still be able to form a social life with, and im very sceptical as to if i will be able to do it.

So my final days are near :)

I feel bad for you having to listen to that:(
I agree. A parent should never ever talk about their child like they aren't there. It's really tough on one's self confidence.

You have every right to complain when someone is that inconsiderate!