couldnt think of a better title.
a few bits of stuff for WPers [whatever the form of autism or neurotype]-
what sorts of issues do other WPers have with posts [if any] ,such as-with posting new posts or topics,with direct communication [meaning speaking to WPers directly-to them whether its in a thread or pm],with using 'self' words,
with not spacing out text so its all one big block,with dealing with new/non regular WPers etc [add own issues with posting if have any different]?
with having a writing style that others assume is trolling but isnt?
what do automatically think of those who do not answer own posts or pms?
or are one of those who does not/cannot answer back for some reason?
how have been treated by others on WP for any of these?
Am just wondering how many others have post/writing issues,can think of a few who do have at least some of these [and have also been abused or called bad things for them].
Am struggle most with:
direct communication,am have disappeared away from pms,or replies,because of the build up it takes to put self into a direct communicating mode,and have seemingly ignored others,which do not like doing with them as they have took the time to speak so am should be doing it back,but it takes a lot of head strength,wearing down very quickly,its about being direct chat,as well as knowing the words to use and putting them together which causes overload,so am sorry for all those am have never replied to,it was never out of rudeness,hate etc.
self words,the problem is similar,am get overloaded easily by seeing the usual ones,they used to leave am sat from day till night stuck on the words slowly getting dragged down by writing a small post,until am found there was actually a self word could cope with writing-and can get through a lot more without the same problems,am have been writing this way for a long while now and have not got the same level of overload as am once had,only problem is,it attracts abuse off ignorants,and gets a lot of questions about why this way,and not their way.
a WPer has helped am with some ideas on this,so will be trying them out when eventually settled.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!