language,not answering posts and all sorts of stuff

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12 Oct 2008, 6:25 pm

couldnt think of a better title.

a few bits of stuff for WPers [whatever the form of autism or neurotype]-
what sorts of issues do other WPers have with posts [if any] ,such as-with posting new posts or topics,with direct communication [meaning speaking to WPers directly-to them whether its in a thread or pm],with using 'self' words,
with not spacing out text so its all one big block,with dealing with new/non regular WPers etc [add own issues with posting if have any different]?
with having a writing style that others assume is trolling but isnt?

what do automatically think of those who do not answer own posts or pms?
or are one of those who does not/cannot answer back for some reason?

how have been treated by others on WP for any of these?

Am just wondering how many others have post/writing issues,can think of a few who do have at least some of these [and have also been abused or called bad things for them].

Am struggle most with:
direct communication,am have disappeared away from pms,or replies,because of the build up it takes to put self into a direct communicating mode,and have seemingly ignored others,which do not like doing with them as they have took the time to speak so am should be doing it back,but it takes a lot of head strength,wearing down very quickly,its about being direct chat,as well as knowing the words to use and putting them together which causes overload,so am sorry for all those am have never replied to,it was never out of rudeness,hate etc.

self words,the problem is similar,am get overloaded easily by seeing the usual ones,they used to leave am sat from day till night stuck on the words slowly getting dragged down by writing a small post,until am found there was actually a self word could cope with writing-and can get through a lot more without the same problems,am have been writing this way for a long while now and have not got the same level of overload as am once had,only problem is,it attracts abuse off ignorants,and gets a lot of questions about why this way,and not their way.
a WPer has helped am with some ideas on this,so will be trying them out when eventually settled.

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12 Oct 2008, 8:26 pm work, I tend to write the 'one -I'd memo (one sentence with I or me in it). No one seems to have noticed.

Haven't pm'd more that 1 or two people in the 11 months I've been here. Only 1 or 2 pm'd me. No problem with it, but it's just one of those things...


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12 Oct 2008, 9:37 pm

Difficulty with complete sentences sometimes. Other times too long. Usually can't read long posts. The grammar is sometimes off, sometimes wordy.

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12 Oct 2008, 9:39 pm

I am a real stickler for my brand of grammar. If there's no punctuation, or the adverbs are mixed up with adjectives, I can't read it. Not easily, anyway. (I didn't say "Not easy, anyway". That's the adjective/adverb thing.)

Everyone's trying to think outside the box, but how am I supposed to get in?


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12 Oct 2008, 9:58 pm


I'm so sorry that you have to deal with ignorant people who criticize your writing style. Everyone on this forum should be aware that there are autistic people who have difficulty communicating. Everyone across the spectrum has some communication difficulties -- some of us just find it harder than others.

Your thoughts are expressed clearly -- often much more clearly than some people with perfect grammar. Who cares if you can't use personal pronouns? Some people need to find better things to worry about.

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12 Oct 2008, 11:21 pm

I can't reply to PMs [for the most part]. It hurts too much.

I don't read what most people say out in the open (I just guess what people say); I peruse it for points I can latch on to if I can. It hurts too much to read it all.

I'm ok with posting out in the open, as I'm not talking to anyone (even if I'm replying to a quote, it still feels like I'm not talking to a person).


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13 Oct 2008, 12:29 am

KingdomOfRats wrote:
what do automatically think of those who do not answer own posts or pms?

Nothing. There are countless reasons a person might not do so, and "because s/he is autistic" is probably the most interesting one. I'm not offended by people not replying. It is a common feature of internet forums in general and seems especially unsuprising here.

Your writing is perfectly clear and quite pleasing. Its aesthetic appeal does not become evident to me until I've done a little bit of mental editing for format, but that's not work.


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13 Oct 2008, 9:46 am

It's interesting to hear about your writing style, because I've often wondered about it.

I only have difficulty communicating when I'm upset. But I'm not autistic.

I am interested to know: There are some people on here who have said they have difficulty speaking. Do they use computers or write things with pen and paper to communicate with people, instead of talking?


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13 Oct 2008, 10:58 am

I often get absolutely nowhere talking with people either in person or on the telephone. I'm much stronger when I can use the written word, particularly with a computer where I can edit to my heart's content before bothering anybody else with it.

As for my reactions to posts, I don't like long posts, or posts with long paragraphs, and faulty or non-standard syntax can make it very difficult for me to read. I used to have an attitude against short posts, they used to seem very lazy to me, but over the years I've warmed to them. When I see something is off topic I can be annoyed, though I don't always notice, and I've unwittingly hijacked the agenda a few times myself. Unanswered stuff can also be annoying.

I think the best thing is to try to be tolerant - no doubt some of the time people are simply guilty of plain old-fashioned disregard and scruffy practice, but particularly with a board such as this, there must be plenty of times when the author's difficulty isn't directly obvious to the reader. That's something a lot of us should be able to relate to, having been on the receiving end of that judgemental thing when we've not quite been able to conform to all these weird mainstream expectations. Even some of the people who post stuff that seems obviously designed as a senseless wind-up, they too might be struggling in their own way to communicate.


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13 Oct 2008, 12:24 pm

Probably the most significant issue I have with WP -or any other forum, for that matter- is that I virtually never present myself to the community when I join it, nor do I participate in greeting other newcomers.

I don't actually resent others doing it, but I can barely relate to, or understand, their need to do it. So I don't participate in the whole thing at all.


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13 Oct 2008, 12:27 pm

ignernce bad speling gramer and lack of puntuashon

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13 Oct 2008, 1:15 pm

This is a great post and very connected to the subject at hand- autism.

Because of difficulties in communication, this is a good post! And something I am sure we all wondered about.

I can communicate pretty good on WP. I've PM'ed a few folks and they have PM'ed me back. I don't have too much difficulty on self words HERE, but some in real life which I find really weird.

Kingdom: Can you explain why you use "am" for "I" and "me? " Is it discomfort, superstition, etc? I have those issues in real life but can't figure out why!! !

Also in "real life" I do well at first. Totally "NT" for a while- then it crumbles :-(

But I am getting better in just accepting who I am. I can't change any more than a gay person can play straight. Nor should any of us have to!

Great post-


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13 Oct 2008, 1:17 pm

I got normal reasons for not replying. It takes a little while to think of a good reply, and then sometimes that "little while" turns into a few days, at which point I'm a bit embarrassed, and then that usually drags on the process until I finally forget about the reply.

And for the record, I normally reply to questions directed towards me on the forum, though sometimes I can't think of a reply. There are two that I have not replied to recently, Donkey, and I believe "zeldaprincess" (can't remember name, though I remember seeing "Snake" from Metal Gear on the avatar)... For that I apologize. :oops:

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13 Oct 2008, 8:16 pm

I can't always see a clear beginning, middle and end to my post. Sometimes I ramble.
I use ellipses far too much because thats how I think. I have to exert a lot of effort to not do it.
I want to reply to everyone that writes a reply to me, but I feel weird replying sometimes. I wonder if silence is better. If I'll ruin it with my reply.

Many times I type replies and then delete them.

I rarely post when I join communities, and I feel weird welcoming others. I rarely give advice when asked because I don't feel mine is good enough. I'm afraid of criticism and that keeps me from posting a lot.


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13 Oct 2008, 8:30 pm

I don't mind if people don't answer my posts. I figure that people might glance at them and then they keep reading on, replying to the thread if they feel it necessary to do so. It's more embarrassing to start a thread and have no one post a reply, which has happened to me (and which is why I've only started a handful of threads).

I try to keep my replies 500 words or less, with a line for paragraph breaks, but occasionally I can write a really long post (but honestly, I do try to avoid doing that). I write much in the manner in which I speak and I tend use a lot of 'asides' (allegory) when talking. Online, I'll use parentheses to insert an allegory or other related thought when necessary.

I tend to use the hyphen and the single quote mark [ 'these' ] a great deal. How I got into the habit of doing this, I have no idea. It just stuck with me. When I write a story, article or essay though, I don't use them unless they're necessary.

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14 Oct 2008, 7:17 am

Back in the day, when I actually HAD a WP PM buddy, my replies used to take at least two nights to write (mind you it was a full page of writing) and I used to do them in MS word before I copied and pasted into the PM window. I'd usually write a paragraph or so, then procrastinate over what to write next for an hour or so, then write a bit more...(rinse & repeat..)

On WP I rarely ever start a thread. I rarely make posts addressing or replying to any poster directly (ie. addressing them by name, quoting posts). I'm always a little anxious to check on threads I've posted within incase someone has quoted and directly replied to my post. Actually, I don't think I've ever had a "conversation" with anyone on WP before. And the only time I took the initiative and PM'ed someone out of the blue, I made an arse of myself. :oops:

Most of my posts on WP seem to be me posting about myself...