I think that was just a nightmare. I used to have night terrors (haven't had any in a while). I don't remember them at all, but I would get up out of bed and start freaking out, like I'm not all there, I couldn't be "woken up", but I would be absolutely hysterial, screaming and everything. Then I would just go back to bed like nothing ever happened, and I would wake up with no memory of it ever happening. The only reason I know that I had them is because my parents told me... During all my night terrors, they tried to calm me down, with no success.
I think what seperates a night terror from a nightmare, is this: In a nightmare, you are dreaming in your sleep, and you wake up with a memory of the bad dream, that's the end of it. A night terror is like a nightmare+sleepwalking at the same time, plus you have no memory of it. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.