Ishmael wrote:
But nothing could be wrong with their children! They have to be like everybody else! That's not my real son! Who did this?! Wait... Could it be?! Gasp! The evil corporations of America.
Honestly: they've no proof. They're just pissed off that their ideal family didn't come to exist.
They're looking for someone to blame - after all, their perfect child couldn't be "broken" by nature, no! Somebody did it! It's a conspiracy! Evil corporations knew their vaccines caused Autism, despite initial records of autistics prior to vaccines, but they still gave it to children, funded by governments, to magically make money! Somehow!
These people are scary gullible. Evidence of their seeking blame? Since day one their stories kept changing. NMR, Mercury - now aluminium!
Yeah the selfish parent syndrome.
Anyways I think that genetics play the biggest role, with environment affecting how the autism is expressed, how sever it is and how the child learns and grow etc.
When Jesus Christ said love thy neighbor he was not making a suggestion he was stating the law of god.