hope noone else has posted this already- apols if i am repeating!
i saw a small article in the saturday telelgraph today about a woman who has an as, and an autistic son, and est a special needs school to help them out (glowing ofsted reoprts abuond).
ive tried to find it on their website, but it does not appear to be on there yet (or im just hopless at searching).
it was interestnig as she mentioned that in a meetnig with the ed minister he was dismayed to hear that so many as kids failed to get statemented because of having such high iq scores.
im sure most libraries will have it; if it doesnt appear on the website, i can scan it and upload it, or PM it to anyone who cant find it otherwise.
thought it might be of interest to parents of young autistic children. it was positive and upbeat, and in the weekend section.