^ that's human nature, though. not saying it's ok, or good, but it's understandable.
tomamil wrote:
i find many neurotypicals quite careless. maybe if they were more aware of the whole autism spectrum, but most people i know have no idea that there is also the high functioning part of it. so after all they have an excuse too. the main difference is that they have no idea about our excuse.
that's the thing, right there. most people have never heard of aspergers syndrome, let alone know anything about it. people who DO know something about aspies tend to be more empathetic.
it's similar to a cultural difference, in a way - if you were british and had never learned that some people come from greece, spending time with a greek person would be terribly confusing because although they look like you, they don't act or think like you. i think that's probably what people who are neurotypical experience when they meet an aspie. they don't know anything about aspergers, so they are confused and frightened. it's hard to empathize with someone you're afraid of.
i know that personally i didn't even hear about it until i was sixteen, and there was very little information anywhere to teach me about it. most of what i know comes from personal experience with aspies in my life.