The realisation that the world does not revolve around me is odd.
To think that every person I see on the streets or cannot see right now is also having a mind full of thoughts and ideas and that everybody I interact with has such and relationships of all kinds to various people is so huge it does not quite seem to fit into my mind.
I know it, but to really grasp it, feel it on more than the mere level of factual knowledge... well, I'm not there yet. I don#t particularly want to either. It makes me feel so small, insignificant and lost is the biggest chaos of what are other people and their desires and visions.
I share, I ask others, I try to think of others but frankly I don't feel any for it. It confuses me too much.
I try hard to do all that, but it doesn't ring as any important. It's just me there, but nobody really else seems to be around.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett