Ever been picked on by a teacher mercilessly? misunderstood?

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Pileated woodpecker
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21 Jul 2008, 5:55 pm

Ever been picked on by a teacher, mercilessly .. probably because they didn't understand you?

Maybe they thought you were being disrespectful or just trying to be a smart-Alek?

Maybe because of voice prosody problems, you appeared to be "talking at them" and they chose to determine that you were being disrespectful to their ego, instead of the fact that you have a different neurology than most people and might speak somewhat differently with no harm at all intended?

Has anyone here found a solution to this problem of being misunderstood by others? Is there something that can be done to prevent this.. Does explaining that you are on the autistic spectrum help at all??




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21 Jul 2008, 6:08 pm

Yes. I have been picked on by one particular teacher so severely that it left a very strong impression on me that is still at least somewhat present to this day...and this was my first grade teacher....But she is not the only teacher who has picked on me. I was repeatedly punished in strange and confusing ways by a particular pre-school teacher...and then it happened in milder ways down the line by various other teachers....sometimes as vague as passive agression, or being talked about behind my back...(yes..by the teacher...to other students)

It can be very difficult when both the teachers AND your classmates pick on you.
How is anyone ever supposed to improve under those conditions?

crazy crazy crazy..

My teacher who left the strongest impression on me would seemingly at random rap my knuckles with a ruler...I had no idea why, most of the time, but in later analysis I guess it was because I was left handed.
I was repeatedly called a "little idiot", jerked around by my shoulders for turning right instead of left (i still have trouble with left and right), isloated from the other students in weird ways...like she would switch me from reading group to reading group seemingly at random and make me stand in the corner during movie hour....or "sit on the wall" in front of the class, which is a painful and humiliating punishment where you squat against the wall with your hands at your sides for several minutes.
That's her (the teacher)
Then on the last day of school she had the audacity to try to give me a hug.... :roll:

yee gads!!

I am the girl in the bottom row, second from the left...
The boy in the red shirt almost directly behind me was my main bully, and also the "male" scapegoat for punishment in the class...because he was often actually pretty bad....

The girl sitting next to me directly to the left is Maria, my across-the-street-neighbor...who lived in a tiny two-room apartment with her parents, several siblings and a rotating cast of extended family. They were nice folks, and very generous...


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21 Jul 2008, 6:46 pm

I got picked on by certain types of teachers because I used to argue a lot and would often view things differently. Also, I'd get picked on by those same teachers for my stubbornness - ie: not wearing hearing aids or when I was on crutches, I only used them one day before deciding that I'd walk/limp instead.

I remember having a huge argument with one in particular over the poem/song Vincent (which we were studying at the time). He claimed that the line "a silver thorn a bloody rose" was a reference to Jesus dying on the cross and that the silver thorn wasn't the crown of thorns but was the nail in the cross. I told him that the poem was about Vincent Van Gough, not about Catholic B.S.... and he got seriously angry and shouted me out of the room.

When it came to exam time, I knew that there were several markers and so I wrote "although some people mistakenly believe this line to mean.... ....it really refers to the silver bullet entering his brain when he shot himself". I got good marks for it and I knew he'd read it too because he was really angry when he gave my paper back. :D


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21 Jul 2008, 7:33 pm


You were born over 10 years after I was, and the picture quality is STILL as bad! YIKES! I had some problems with punishment and all when I was in 1st and 2nd. I DON'T think I had to "sit on the wall", but I DID have to stand in the corner, and DO remember being slapped with a ruler, and worse. MY first grade teacher got angry when I went through the whole vocabulary for the year. I knew it anyway. She made me erase ALL my answers! :roll:

In 6th grade this IDIOT teacher said I was covering a pot wrong(DUMB attempt at "art class"). I told her it was IMPOSSIBLE to do it with one whole sheet. She proceeded to "show" me how to do it. She ripped it up, as I had, and proceeded to use it, as I was going to do. I said "I thought you said you could do it with one sheet?"! :lol: OH MAN, I will NEVER forget the look Ms. Nudyke gave me! What is the point anyway!?!?!? I ALREADY knew wood working, metal working, foam, fiberglass, paper mache, etc... So WHY show me how to do the paper mache I ALREADY knew how to do?

I learned it because I USED it! It wasn't mere art. And I planned to build something one day that I planned to make with fiberglass.(The basic concept is the same except you use fiberglass cloth instead of paper, and resin instead of glue.) Alas, I built it only in my imagination. I built it many times, and flew it all over the planet, I EVEN figured out the price, in the 70s to the penny, but never even bought the first screw. :cry:

As for bullies? In 10th grade I was bored, so I decided to build my mother a jewelry box. It was STILL a bit plain, but it had a light wood stain, floral appliques, recessed hinges, and a felt lining. The original design was relatively simple. It was SUPPOSED to be retangular! It has BEVELED edges, even showing the nails! You know WHY!?!?!?!? A gang of jerks came by and INTENTIONALLY pushed me into a sanding disk going full bore!(I was in the woodshop there) I had to use that jewelry box to save my hands. One side was BADLY beveled! I balanced it out, and made the other 3 sides the same way. :cry:


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21 Jul 2008, 9:03 pm

8th grade teacher thought I wasn't listening or something and because I kept messing up with some obscure manners she mentioned that to me too. Closest thing to that. Oh, she supposedly told my mom I wouldn't do good in college. She wasn't mean or anything, lol she mentioned I should socialize with others. There wasn't too many people I fit in with in 8th grade.

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21 Jul 2008, 9:36 pm

I've not only been verbally abused but also physically abused by my A.I. teachers for over 4 years before I went to middle school. During that time, teachers also treated me like Harry Potter and looked for reasons to punish me. High school should've been the best experience since the teachers there respected me, but I've been so mistreated before that, that I felt like I had to be on-guard on all times. To this day, I still have vendettas against teachers and I don't even feel safe in college.


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21 Jul 2008, 9:43 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:

You were born over 10 years after I was, and the picture quality is STILL as bad! YIKES! I had some problems with punishment and all when I was in 1st and 2nd. I DON'T think I had to "sit on the wall", but I DID have to stand in the corner, and DO remember being slapped with a ruler, and worse. MY first grade teacher got angry when I went through the whole vocabulary for the year. I knew it anyway. She made me erase ALL my answers! :roll:

Eh...It is a photo of a photo....I don't have a scanner.....

Don't get me started on the student bullying......

I recall my second grade teacher as attempting to protect me from the bullies...as I would get made fun of by the entire class collectively, and she would come to my aid to some degree....This did not completely prevent summary bullying...and whatnot....mostly by the boys....who were really cruel.....and I recall getting swats from a substitute for fidgeting during naptime...but she seemed to make the attempt....though she never addressed the fact that I was not doing well in her class due to this constant intense stress I was experiencing...

Blah blah blah....3rd grade.....Yaaaaaaar!! !! !!!Those girls were horrible.....

4th grade....had complete nervous breakdown partly due to moving to new school and partly due to complete and utter communication barrier between myself and teacher....who gave me Fs, pinched my cheek and called me her little porcelain doll.....(bullying in and of it's self)....only weeks earlier, I had been slated to get into the gifted program due to high test scores before moving...and I end up getting shipped back to 3rd grade....

It was just stress after stress after stress.... :roll:


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21 Jul 2008, 11:35 pm

Pam Farrar, who used to teach english at Meadowview Middle School during the 80's in Morristown, TN.

I can't even talk about without being filled with an intense loathing and hatred for the woman. She picked on me time after time and none of it was my fault.

By the 8th grade, I had failed twice. I was two years older than the average middle school student.

The worst occasion that always comes to mind was this one occasion where I was in "study hall". Like a good student, I really was getting ahead on my homework during that period. The guy behind me was in my science class and I had turned around to ask him what chapter our lesson was on (thank you ADD!). I literally turned around to ask him, got a few words out and was called up to the study hall teacher, who was a partner in crime to Mrs. Farrar. Who helped bully the students Mrs. Farrar chose to pick on. Mrs. Farrar basically literally stole me from the study hall teacher and had me walk over to her class adjacent to the study hall. I walked over to Mrs. Farrar's class and was asked to stand up in front of her class. She asked me to tell the class how old I was and I told them. The whole class snickered, scoffed, laughed and mocked me. And Mrs. Farrar just let them. She says "Most of these students are on the average two years younger than you. What excuse do you have, Mr. Audette?" I didn't have a response. Nor could I. I was made to feel so deeply shamed that I couldn't muster an answer. I just stood there looking and feeling like the village idiot with these kids throwing their disgust at me.

I have always strongly felt that what Mrs. Pam Farrar did should have gotten her fired and reprimanded. She probably teaches and harrasses kids even to this day.

I hope she reads this post one day. I hope she sees that it's my deepest wish that she rots in the lowest level of Hell for the rest of eternity.

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22 Jul 2008, 2:56 am

Actually, it was the other way around for me. Children my age were pricks, and the teachers were the ones to look out for me. Even in high school before I joined wrestling, I was a loner and lunch lady saw this, offered me a job. Adults had my back during my school years, I feel bad for those who had it bad... Makes me wonder why they'd even think of becoming a person in position to help or harm children... :?

Still grateful.
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22 Jul 2008, 7:48 am

Oh good god yes, I would go as far as saying I was bullied and mentally abused by most of my teachers at school they would even make fun of me to the class, this was back in the 70s/80s so the existence of Aspergers wasn't recognised.

Those teachers were simply evil and power mad they loved bullying venerable students, it seemed to be the culture back then. :evil:

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22 Jul 2008, 7:52 am

i got in a fist fight with my yr 9 teacher if that counts...


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22 Jul 2008, 10:17 am

I am possibly start a thread that is the opposite of this one....just because that has happened sometimes too....teachers rooting me out as a special case and taking special interest in me.

Although the bullying was really damaging...there were those helpful teachers who dragged me out of the mire...I wish I could remember them better.

There were the teachers who took me to academic tournaments (even though my grades were deplorable)
and the teachers who tried to get me into the High School for Performing and Visual arts (but I lived in the wrong district and my grades were too low)
The councellor who's office I would go to all the time...because she was nice to me...(poor councellor) My private vocal coach (for singing)

Alot of times i would tend (I think) towards hurting and dissapointing these teachers because of my dismal social skills and really low self esteem...
But I am glad that some good stuff happened to me in school, otherwise I'd be a complete basket case... :?


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22 Jul 2008, 10:50 am

I've been bullied by more than one teachers. The worst case was in nith grade. My science teacher repeatedly told me I was an idiot. Just because I asked questions he couldn't answer. He said he was a great teacher and I was stupid for not realizing that. And then he said that I had actually realized he was a great teacher, and I was just angry because I did not want to admit it.

Many other teachers also thought I was stupid and annoying and disrespectful. But then a lot of teachers also liked me, so it's not that I'm, disliked by all of them. Somehow it seems that they almost always think that I'm either a genius or a ret*d. I’m never in the middle.

So I guess that’s one thing they all agree about. That at least I’m not an average person, whatever else I may be.


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22 Jul 2008, 11:25 am

In 8th grade I was accused by my art class teacher I had brought her a drawing made by me in the previous year - we were taught about impressionism or expressionism, I don't remember exactly, in 7th and 8th grade and those impressionist or expressionist pictures I drew were in both the cases practically the same which caused a suspition in our teacher.

I simply didn't finish my drawing during the lesson so I finished it at home. Anyway that sheet of paper I used to draw then was threadbare and this made her suspect it was that old drawing. I had to draw another one.

From that time I started to get only 5's for my drawings instead of 6's, the highest marks, like before and don't tell me those things didn't have any connection with each other. What is more, Mrs C. was our art class teacher also during my first year in high school and I got only 5's again even if I know I deserved 6's.

When later I found out that Mrs C. died of cancer 5 years ago, smile on my face must have been as wide as Joker's characteristic smile :twisted: I simply HATE it when I'm accused of things I'm not guilty of.


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22 Jul 2008, 12:18 pm

Felinity wrote:
Ever been picked on by a teacher, mercilessly .. probably because they didn't understand you?

Maybe they thought you were being disrespectful or just trying to be a smart-Alek?



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22 Jul 2008, 12:32 pm

When later I found out that Mrs C. died of cancer 5 years ago, smile on my face must have been as wide as Joker's characteristic smile I simply HATE it when I'm accused of things I'm not guilty of.

Yeah...i did not feel sad at all when I heard my first drummer died...he was in my band while I was still in high school and he went to my school but graduated before I got there, and he wasn't a teacher...but I was just reminded of how he would throw his drum sticks at the back of my head and say extremely malicious things about me behind my back to my other band mates and also to my face...calling me a ret*d and criticizing my dress and hygiene and the very essence of my being....and he was a fundamentalist christian who was also a serious cleptomaniac.....a very cartman from southpark sort of fellow.....

I was disturbed by the secret glee i felt on hearing of his death from cancer....

bad poopy...bad...bad....