I never before thought about how this was short attention span too. Yes, that's what I do too. Especially at the zoo or at parks.
Or when a friend is looking at something for a lengthy period of time (1-2 minutes in real time), it seems like forever. I absolutely cannot look at the things together with them because they take ages!
I can never wait for people to have finished talking, because to my mind everyone is talking too slow. And if they're talking that slow, my mind starts to wander, I just accidentally stop listening or I'm distracted by something.
I also manage to read a few sentences, but then get distracted. I have tricks to remind me of having to read (or continue to do something else), but I can't stop not stopping every 2-3 sentences. I have hand/finger signs, take what I read into my hands, always try to look at everything just to make sure that when I'm distracted I get back to what I'm doing asap.
It happens sometimes that I have a bad AD(H)D-like day and when I'm dancing on a day like that for example, I can't even really watch a step when I'm hyper.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett