Aurore wrote:
Uh, it's kind of impossible to fail at life.
Unless you work as a professional butt-wiper or something. Which I doubt is even an actual job.
Anyway. WP makes me feel happy because I feel there are people who understand, but sad sometimes too because there are people who have it so much more worse than I do and I can't fix it for them.
A little off topic: That's what my aunt does for a living basically, she works in a nursing home... she told me one day "You should get a job wiping butts too"
On topic: Basically this site has allowed me to figure out myself a little more. I still ask the question "Am I Aspie? NT? As my symptoms suggests somewhere in a gray area between the two?" Even my therapist isn't sure. Isn't sure is a bad place to be, but in the meantime I find this forum interesting and Autism an interesting thing to read and know more about, cause I knew almost nothing about this less than a year ago until someone suggested it to me. Since then ironically there was one week where two people I just met asked me if I was Autistic, if I didn't know more about this, I wouldn't have known what to think or how to respond.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020