DustinWX wrote:
He doesn't do it in public, usually just when it's me and him or with our other friend, so it's not like he's trying to humilate me.
It sounds like he is trying to help. If it makes you uncomfortable, tell him so, and he will try to keep it in check.
Personally, I think it is useful to understand how things I do are perceived by the majority of people. I don't want to be perceived as thinking something I am not thinking, or doing something I am not doing. NT's assume everyone thinks like this, that you would want to know.
As for the posts that assume correction is mocking or controlling, I really don't think that is fair. YES, correction can be used in both mocking and controlling ways, but it is NOT always done for that purpose. Tone and body language will tell the difference, although I realize that is going to be difficult for some AS to pick up on. I think the best approach to take in that case is similar to what you do on the internet: respond nuetrally, something that works in either situation, and let their next response clarify the underlying intent.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).