yes pdd nos is a possiblity; now, the thing is, what puzzles me is the ease of going to a doctor who would be sympathetic enough to refer me to a specialist, as it wouldn't be taken seriously by all doctors and some would probably just dismiss it as depression and give me surm druurgs B.
Well anyway, that's on my mind. It's so confusing all this, and supposing I go for a diagnosis and I come out with something unknown to me, which may not be true anyway because specialists could probably find anything in anyone that might indicate a disorder.
I keep on thinking to myself, yes, lots of people have that problem, but do they have THIS problem along with it? OR THIS problem, or THIS problem; well, I hope you see the point I am making.
Yeah thanks for your advice, and I am sorry if I am posting things that have been covered before; just that I really don't know what better way there is of going about getting bits of advice - of course - certainly it would be far more accurate to go to official websites and contact those people; would it be more accurate than asking people on here? That's a trouble.