Two days in a row, I've been given abuse whilst riding the bus to/from my menial job on the other side of town. Yesterday morning, a whole lot of morons on the bus were coughing their lungs out (they obviously had the flu or something). Well, I'm employed on a casual basis, and don't get sick pay. So I got off at the next stop to use another bus instead. As the bus pulled away, someone flipped me the bird. Just for getting away from a bunch of germ-spreading cretins as soon as I could!
Then on the way home this evening, some no-hoper obviously affected by drugs/alcohol (either in a long- or short-term sense, dunno nor do I even care) accused me of pushing ahead of them on the bus, when I was just standing there. She got all verbally aggressive, then called me a schizo. After I've been slaving my guts out all day, in some casual job, so that welfare scum can take my hard-earned money (through the tax system, and harrassing innocent people like myself in the street all the time) and p**s it against the wall - and then abuse me and call me a schizo!
I've had it with freeloading maggots, when I have to fight to survive every day. If I get a cold or the flu, I have the decency to stay home (to avoid spreading to everyone else), and lose pay. Yet druggies, "refugees", welfare cheats etc, get handouts thrown at them. All while we Aspies - who genuinely need assistance - are forced to live as third-class citizens.
Haha, everyone in this hellhole sees fit to treat me as if I'm some sort of psycho, so I obviously am. It doesn't matter, something I do will be inappropriate and offensive, won't it? Well, I now have NO MORE tolerance for parasites, nor for anyone that fails to recognise that I work hard, for little reward, to pay my way.