Spectrum ??? Part of natural evolution???

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2008, 7:46 am

I pose this question ... If people on the spectrum are different neurologically... (wired differently) then what if we are the next step in evolution?

Does anyone consider that possibly the people on the spectrum have a natural genetic mutation??? and that we are the next step on the genetic wrung? Some of those mutations are so aggressive that they are incompatible with life, however, some of those mutations are just that we are more able to percieve, see, interact with, concentrate better, diliniate further, percieve differently, better analyze, get more out of an experience.....

What if we (our genes) are mutating forward as part of evolution? Who says that man has reached the ultimate in perfection and that man will evolve no further???

Are there studies out there? Why is it something wrong as apposed to something forward?

Who are we comparing ourselves to but the NT's... brains wired genetically the same... with the ability to be just like each other???

In nature the individuals with aggressive mutations would natually be selected for extinction but those that have a mild to moderate form of a mutation would then survive and pro-create, an individual that would be one step further on the wrung of evolution... so on & so forth...

It is natural in nature for animals to evolve... sometimes slowly & yet sometimes dramatically...some mutations are selected for exstinction and sometimes selected to carry on even further. Why is the human brain, the human being any different???

Just a thought...

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27 Aug 2008, 8:00 am

i don't remember, but i believe this must have already been discussed here. i thought about it too, but it's too much, i guess :)
although, it would be nice.

anyway, i am already mutated, i can digest milk in adulthood:

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27 Aug 2008, 8:09 am

has been said much but its not an evolution because whe lose our social skills and without being social whe wont get to much further in the future

and if its really evolution then its probely nature trying to defeat humanity wich is destroying the world (cause nature is smarter than humans)

i think that might be a possibility cause nature always have a complete circle but now humans are destroying it so the circle will find a automatic way

to keep going so it might be possible its this way its going to be if its really evolution whe just cant eventualy win against nature and one day it

will fight back (i call it fight back but its more like a time bomb that the circle activate while it lose's its position) its unexplane-able how nature is so smart

this is what i think that can happen if this really is evolution i always beleve in reasonable facts that keep the world turning and humans arent the one the world

needs now


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27 Aug 2008, 8:14 am

UndercoverAlien wrote:
if its really evolution then its probely nature trying to defeat humanity

well, i think that to get rid of emotions and start being more logic oriented would be a step up...

Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2008, 8:18 am

UndercoverAlien wrote:
has been said much but its not an evolution because whe lose our social skills and without being social whe wont get to much further in the future
and if its really evolution then its probely nature trying to defeat humanity wich is destroying the world (cause nature is smarter than humans)
i think that might be a possibility cause nature always have a complete circle but now humans are destroying it so the circle will find a automatic way
to keep going so it might be possible its this way its going to be if its really evolution whe just cant eventualy win against nature and one day it
will fight back (i call it fight back but its more like a time bomb that the circle activate while it lose's its position)
this is what i think that can happen if this really is evolution i always beleve in reasonable facts that keep the world turning

Some LOSE our social skills with NT's and not all of us lose them completely... I myself have been able to procreate 2 daughters that not only are beautiful but are socially able to adapt to either people on or off the spectrum.

Hence the idea that the dramatic evolutionary changes (complete loss of social skills) are selected for extinction yet those with only a minor mutations are naturally selected to not only survive but to further the species.

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27 Aug 2008, 8:33 am

There was a slightly different version discussed here too, The idea was, that it's an old genetic path, inherited from the pre-farming cultures, maybe Neandertals. The hunter genes.

the discussion: http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules.php? ... eanderthal
the article: here: http://www.rdos.net/eng/asperger.htm

Some of them survived and maybe modern times offer this gene new possibilities, offering a new niche. That would make slightly more sense to me.

If we are the "next step" in evolution can only be seen in future. Maybe we can survive and are "better" in the modern world for some aspects. But it's a very wide spectrum and the problems most people here have seem to create more trouble than any "high intelligence" may give. And this high intelligence Aspie thing may be a myth anyway.

(Grown up in Germany and so confronted with it's history I'm very critical about declaring myself as a next step in evolution :wink: )

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2008, 8:36 am

Furthermore~ I say even with all of my social inadequacies I am talented in a multitude of ways.

I can concentrate on any given task and see the minute details that no one else seems to realize.

I can visualize space and how items might fit into that space with little to no effort.

I can interact with my surroundings in a way that seems impossible to NT’s.

My IQ is at a genius level which seems to afford me benefits yet can hamper my social skills…Yet if I think about it I really would rather not “socialize” with most of the NT’s I meet anyhow. I find that they can be boring at best ~ superficial, unreliable, so on and so forth.

I find that some people are so infantile in their perception of any given topic that it can make me crazy. They have opinions that they assume are true yet there is no factual matter for there belief. They cannot distinguish between their opinion & fact.

There are many , many other things that make me a unique Aspie, a special person, a unique individual .

I believe that I will stop regarding myself as broken, handicapped, & inadequate & start believing that I am “EVOLVED”


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27 Aug 2008, 8:38 am

PilotPirx wrote:
(Grown up in Germany and so confronted with it's history I'm very critical about declaring myself as a next step in evolution :wink: )

looool, fortunately no one is in the office right now, because i had to laugh out loud

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27 Aug 2008, 8:42 am

It's a possibility. They also link it to the Indigo/Crystal children phenomenon. I am not sure what to really believe when it comes to that though. After reading about the characteristics of Indigo children, most of it does seem to fit me pretty well.

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27 Aug 2008, 8:46 am

cursed_brunette wrote:
Furthermore~ I say even with all of my social inadequacies I am talented in a multitude of ways.
I can concentrate on any given task and see the minute details that no one else seems to realize.
I can visualize space and how items might fit into that space with little to no effort.
I can interact with my surroundings in a way that seems impossible to NT’s.
My IQ is at a genius level which seems to afford me benefits yet can hamper my social skills…Yet if I think about it I really would rather not “socialize” with most of the NT’s I meet anyhow. I find that they can be boring at best ~ superficial, unreliable, so on and so forth.
I find that some people are so infantile in their perception of any given topic that it can make me crazy. They have opinions that they assume are true yet there is no factual matter for there belief. They cannot distinguish between their opinion & fact.
There are many , many other things that make me a unique Aspie, a special person, a unique individual .
I believe that I will stop regarding myself as broken, handicapped, & inadequate & start believing that I am “EVOLVED”

I am there with you on that :wink:

Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.

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27 Aug 2008, 8:52 am

It's tempting to believe that it's an evolutionary step, but I doubt it. I view it as just another of the myriad variations that nature is capable of. There's a tendency to focus on positive qualities that seem to mark the spectrum, but knowing more about overall human psychology would show you that most of those attributes are shared by a good proportion of the population. As are many of the negative qualities.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2008, 9:08 am

UnusualSuspect wrote:
It's tempting to believe that it's an evolutionary step, but I doubt it. I view it as just another of the myriad variations that nature is capable of. EVERYTHING IS A EVOLUTIONARY STEP... Things as simple as our pinkies are shorter that previous versions of humanity because we are using them less... however now with the invent of computers maybe they will start to grow. LOL ... Humanity as a population are taller than even people from 2 or 3 hundred years ago.... Didn't you ever go into a really old house and find the doorways a bit short??? Why because through nutrition and evolution humans have grown taller...

There's a tendency to focus on positive qualities that seem to mark the spectrum, but knowing more about overall human psychology would show you that most of those attributes are shared by a good proportion of the population. As are many of the negative qualities. [i]These "negative" qualities are slated for extinction


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27 Aug 2008, 9:24 am

My unscientific opinion-

Aspies, as well as NTs are part of evolution-we're all here today! Our world could not be run purely by NTs, or by Aspies alone, we need each other. A look at the shop I work at, we have basically 2 types of workers-laborers and salesmen. Laborers build things, our set up is to merely create furniture. Salesmen are meant to deal with customers, and only sell them the products the laborers make. I believe this to be a haphazard example of the way Aspies and NTs work together, NTs being the salesmen. Without carpenters and upholsterers, the salesmen have nothing to sell, and without salesmen, carpenters and upholsterers have no reason to build.

It's an interdependence, that in my belief must continue. Evolution happens on both sides, to keep both sides going in the right direction.

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27 Aug 2008, 9:27 am

-JR wrote:
Our world could not be run purely by NTs, or by Aspies alone, we need each other.

What is your notion of the percentage of Aspies among humans?

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27 Aug 2008, 9:34 am

My notion? Figuring that Hans Asperger dealt with 400 children in his original study, and 4 of them were considered to have AS by his standards, I'd say 1 percent or less.

By that example, I wasn't trying to implying there are TONS of Aspies. If that's what you're getting at. There are very few, tho there are probably a good deal on the border, with traits (as you've read in my blog, I believe that includes me).

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27 Aug 2008, 10:21 am

so if its not an exstinction then it would be that aspies wont make war,kill animals for sport

,only care about themself,and so on could be that its a way to safe the world while keeping humanity