It seems that I become less tolerant of people who attempt to tell others what they must believe or do as I become older.
For example, two nighs ago a friend's father passed away. I spent the night with her and took her to the airport at 4AM yesterday. When she left she asked me to email our friends from an association about her father's passing, as she didn't have much time.
I called my father and advised him and asked him if he had everyone's email. Since he did not, he said I should contact the president of the association (it's a small neighborhood type association) and let her know and she could send it. So I emailed her. I asked her to please call me to ensure she received the message. NO CALL.
So I go to my dad's house and tell him if he can call his friend X, since she is the secretary's mom and maybe she could tell her daughter (since I don't have any of their telephones). So my dad's friend, who is visiting my dad says to me "you don't have to do that, everyone already knows...they called me this morning" . I said to him, "I didn't know they called you, but since they asked me to do this, I think I need to do it because there might be others who don't know" Needless to say, he again repeats to me that everyone already knows and that I don't need to do it...blah, blah...I about lost it...I just told him, "I'm sorry, but my friend asked me to say this to people, I was the one that took her to the airport this morning and spent the night with her, I am going to do what my friend asked..." To which he obviously became a bit ticked off and left the house about 5 minutes later.
I am SOOOOO sick of others attempting to control what we do. Why is it that people feel a need to tell others how to live their lives, what to think, what to do? I have never done this. Sorry, I might tell others "this is what I think", but I would never tell someone they are wrong for wanting to do X, Y or Z...or attempt in any way to discourage them from doing something unless it means causing bodily/mental harm to themselves or others.
Is it me? Am I just going crazy? Is this what happens?