Jennyfoo wrote:
My mom totally understands now. She also is a little sad and frustrated that she divorced my father for things that truly were not his fault. She knows he's AS too, she "got it" once I told her my daughter was and I suspected I was too- she put 2 and 2 together and correctly identified the traits in my father, his father, his brother, and in 2 of my 5 siblings.
i am impressed how understanding your mom is.
this was my dialogue with my mom about AS:
me: i have AS, it's being slightly autistic.
mom (angry voice): don't be crazy, i think you are very intelligent.
me: well, that's part of it. (and i changed the topic.)
i thought i could try explain it to her a bit closer, but i knew she would refuse to admit something might be 'wrong' with her son.
Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.