Ishmael, that'd be me, is going on a trip. Over the next few months I'll prepare for a world tour; fully documenting my experiences and perspectives as a man with Aspergers.
I'll also use my almost inhuman strength, stamina, endurance and insensitivity to temperature to my advantage, and attempt to accomplish feats in my travels that would kill any other man. What feats, you ask?
Why, walking from Adelaide to Darwin, for starters!
Granted, I've picked up a few aboriginal survival tricks, and I will have modern technology and a hand-trailer of supplies, but that's months upon months of harsh land with poisonous critters, little or no food and water save for my limited supplies... And, above all else, isolation. That thing I crave most; which could prove my death in the outback.
It should be fun!
Following Darwin, I'll go town-hopping in Queensland, before reaching Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and back to Adelaide. From there, I'll take a plane either to the U.k or Germany, and commence my European tour. Then North America, South America, Asia, Africa and finally the Middle-East, then a brief stint around Oceania before settling back in Adelaide for a little while... Then moving to Sydney!
Sounds fun, huh? I might die!
But, I'm still young - so I can afford to spend a few years globe-trotting. Plus, because I'm my own boss, I won't have to quit my "job"! It's the kind of work that can be put on hold, and parts even I can accomplish whilst travelling.
Whaddya think?
Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?