yeah, i had it really bad as a child. i can remember making up all sorts of excuses in first grade so they'd have to send me home. i usually got caught out later, but i didn't care as long as i got home. i was safe at home, things were familiar. i was terrified at school.
oddly, i spent a lot of time playing outside, in the woods and fields near our house, so it wasn't just the "house" that i was wanting. i think it was more to be away from all those other people.
my own kid, bless her heart, went through just the usual phases, i think. i had to work so she had to be in daycare from 11 months old. we moved when she was 4 and had to try out two or three care arrangements in a 1 month period (they kept falling through) and it was traumatic. she doesn't seem to have any particular attachment to "home" though, while i now consider it the place i can go to and shut the world out.