McCann_Can_Triple wrote:
This is as good as I get when describing characters/people.... (No matter if I make them up myself or else see them in real life.)
He was a middle aged man, in his late forties. He stands at around 5 ft 9 and looks of average weight. His has pale blue eyes and curly brown hair that has been cut to above his ears.
That's actually a pretty good description. Facial features *are* difficult to describe, for anyone.
My problem is that I never notice anyone's appearance in the first place. My description would be something like:
"Well, he was white/black/whatever. Not super old and not super young. Maybe somewhere between 30's to 50's. He had no outstanding characteristics that grabbed my attention. He was probably wearing pants and a shirt."
Height? Not a giant and not a midget. Eye color? No idea. Hair color? Not a clue. I would be the worst police witness ever.
Seriously, we did an experiment in my cognitive psychology class where a woman came into the room at the beginning of class to tell us our professor would be late, and it turned out that the purpose was for him to test how much we remembered of her appearance after she left and how it was influenced by gender (or something like that). When he asked us to write down a description of her appearance, I drew a total blank (even though I was right at the front of the room watching her the whole time she was there). It was pretty embarrassing, but I literally had no clue as to age (beyond a *very* large range), hair, eye color, clothes, etc. And unfortunately that is pretty much par for the course for me.

I've been teased about it a fair bit over the years (teased for being oblivious to my surroundings).
Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.