Why are so many Aspies on here getting disablility income?

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08 Sep 2008, 6:21 pm

I've seen mentally ret*d people doing ticket booth's in movie theatres and serving/cleaning things and doing basic task's

Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?


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08 Sep 2008, 6:29 pm

I would rather live under a bridge in a carton than go on welfare, it would make me feel like such a looser (not suggesting that those who are are loosers; I'm just not that severly affected by AS myself). I do have a problem maintaining a job but definately don't see my being under the spectrum as any sort of disability.


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08 Sep 2008, 6:41 pm


First off: You do not see very many people who are very ret*d working at ticket booths in this state! You forget not all of us live in the progressive mecca you call home. Some of us live in narrow minded backwater backwoods dumps that do not have a lot of opportunities for disabled workers.

Second off: I am not on any kind of disability I simply do not qualify for it. And I would be much better off with the right job anyway. I surely would have enough money to do the fun things my heart desires to do. I am not going to get that on disability, am I?

The problem around here is there are soooooo many unskilled laborers and other laborers and laborers on top of those laborers getting a job around these here parts is very tough, yes indeedy!

Competition is fierce so they gets to be more picky 'bout whose they hire.


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08 Sep 2008, 6:48 pm

I'm not on disability because of autism, and also don't feel obligated to discuss that with you either. Any attempt to discuss my personal circumstances would likely only result in more ignorant questioning. Feel free to judge others if that makes you feel better about who you are.


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08 Sep 2008, 6:53 pm

anna-banana wrote:
I would rather live under a bridge in a carton than go on welfare, it would make me feel like such a looser (not suggesting that those who are are loosers; I'm just not that severly affected by AS myself). I do have a problem maintaining a job but definately don't see my being under the spectrum as any sort of disability.

QFT!! !! ! For the record, I am far from living under a bridge, and see AS as more of a benefit than a disability. The lonelyness gets to me at times. It WOULD be better if I could maintain friendships better, or was better coordinated. It would be nice if I could really negotiate. The hypersensitivities can be bad. But I see how some "normal" people are, and am happier with myself for the moment. BTW Some things in my job SCREAM that I am ***AS***! OK, so I don't trust managing people. I don't haggle. But I CAN get the job done EVEN if I have to do it myself. And I often DO do it myself.


Aren't you the one that was arguing that parents should pay their kids no matter what? Weren't you arguing FOR disability? BTW jobs, like ticket sales, are NOT supposed to be done to live.

08 Sep 2008, 7:00 pm

ProtossX wrote:
I've seen mentally ret*d people doing ticket booth's in movie theatres and serving/cleaning things and doing basic task's

Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?

Are you Shleed?


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08 Sep 2008, 7:38 pm

I'm a different generation. There was no dx of Asperger's until I was about 40. I spent 18 years trying to be in the workforce and paying rent and it ruined my health.

By the way, I believe your parents are going to be paying your rent. I don't have that kind of parent.


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08 Sep 2008, 7:43 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
I've seen mentally ret*d people doing ticket booth's in movie theatres and serving/cleaning things and doing basic task's

Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?

Are you Shleed?

I was thinking that princess 1989 was Shleed, but I doubt it.


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08 Sep 2008, 7:48 pm

The answers to your question are, I believe, these:

1. Some AS have overwhelming sensory issues, which can make it difficult to do any job that isn't inside a perfectly calming box. And not many jobs are.

2. Some AS have such severe executive function issues that holding a job, where following instructions and meeting someone else's expectations are part of the requirement, becomes impossible to do on a consistent, day to day basis.

3. Some AS have medical conditions that are common among AS, although not part of it, that make working difficult.

4. Some (most?) AS have a processing speed issue AND difficulty staying on task for lengthy amounts of time. Ever wonder why the IEP's for bright AS kids often include shortened assignments and longer test taking time? In some jobs you can get away with it, in others not.

My goal with my son is to channel his strengths so that he will be productive, and able to do work that relies on his gifts while not being severely burdened by his difficulties. He's way at the top of the spectrum, and I have no doubt it's possible. But this isn't true for everyone with AS, just as it isn't true for everyone who isn't AS. The world of work values other skills, by and large, far more than raw IQ.

My AS husband has a good career, as do I (but I'm more NT), and we are not on disability. But I see enough to understand how someone gets to that point. It's difficult to explain, but I have that compassion. I hope you will find it, too.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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08 Sep 2008, 7:53 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

Exactly how many is 'so many'?


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08 Sep 2008, 7:57 pm

I knew I shouldn't have posted here.

Not too many at all from what I gather.


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08 Sep 2008, 8:14 pm

aspiartist wrote:
I knew I shouldn't have posted here.

Not too many at all from what I gather.

would you be so kind to tell us why you are unable to work cuz im curious ive seen some real low functioning people running business's and doing things on there own like I said serving water etc cleaning dishes taking tickets working at faire's carnival's, so many jobs that don't require much work I think if you can type on here you could be doing those things in real life im just curious what is the reason ?


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08 Sep 2008, 8:20 pm

No, absolutely not! I'm not here to be exploited. I'm on disability and have been since I was 19 years old. If I was capable of working in a Carnival, for example, I would have been bumped off long ago so I could go do just that.


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08 Sep 2008, 8:21 pm

aspiartist wrote:
No, absolutely not! I'm not here to be exploited. I'm on disability and have been since I was 19 years old. If I was capable of working in a Carnival, for example, I would have been bumped off long ago so I could go do just that.

TMI, Aspieartist! TMI!

Don't Feed The Trolls!


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08 Sep 2008, 8:22 pm

Let's all become street musicians and sing 10,000 Maniax songs:)


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08 Sep 2008, 8:25 pm

I think people with AS a lot of times of other disorders that brings them down further. I have server OCD. I was my hands almost 40 times a day. Major depression and conentratin issues.