Aspies are known for being loners per sé. Alot claim to be content with being by themselves, and thats fine, everybody needs their alone time. But would you say, if you had the option, that you would chose being alone instead of being a social magnet?
If you are like me, yeah, being alone can feel great, compared to the alternative, rejection. After spendng years and years of trying, oh so trying to fit in, sometimes it feels like nothing can be better then not trying, cause by not trying, there is no failure.
It is very understandable that a lifetime of rejection could stop people from even wanting company, but for me, i will die before giving up on that. I want to get married, have a boy and a girl, and live the life i feel i deserve, and the only thing that is going to stand in my way is my own death, whether planned or not.
So are you content being alone? Are you still reaching for that life that you deserve or have you given up?