In my opinion, the rate of new topics and conversation here on the forums has been too slow. Does anyone else agree with me in this regard? Right now, I'm in one of those moods where studying is impossible because it will just feed my boredom. I am totally lacking inspiration: I have no creativity at the moment. I'm just listening to music and browsing the handful of websites I regularly visit despite my no longer finding them very interesting. Slashdot in particular has remained in my habits for years after I no longer found it interesting. I'm just too out of the loop and my mind is dulled for lack of interest, so it does not generate ideas of its own accord anymore.
Some of you might say there's a whole world out there. The trouble is it's 11:42 P.M. right now and ridiculously cold (18 degrees Fahrenheit!). Also, I own no car; my only transportation off campus is my bike. Inside my residence hall, I find little to do.
I did go to the Freethinkers' Society meeting tonight and wrote some fake headlines/discussion points up before most people got there. I didn't say anything during the actual discussion. Tonight's discussion was about media bias. Surprisingly, I haven't made any friends by going to it (no doubt from my lack of stuff to say).